December 10, 2013 Street by Street Committee
3 Projects NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th R5 Zoning
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th 180 estimated daily trips50ft width ROW
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th 18-20ft pavement exists but property owner said residents likely willing to shave this down for Shared facility
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th 680ft long, 50ft wide ROW with 18-20ft center strip paving on west end Speeds measured 26-27mph on 25mph street 14 existing homes access street with potential for 4 more 18 homes would generate 180 trips per day There may be additional trips with the completion of Holman but not significant SE Holman is a Safe Route to School (Rigler) from 42 nd to 55 th. 55 th also a safe route. 55 th is also recommended as a new neighborhood greenway for the neighborhood. If improved would make a good extension of Holman Greenway that ends currently at 42nd
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th Looking east from 52nd
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th
Looking east at 53 rd Place
NE Holman, 52 nd to 55 th Looking east to 55 th Ave
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem R5 Zoning ROW varies 25-60ft Nehalem Rural est trips per day
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Maintenance responsibility
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem – Block by Block *Rural to Ogden – 210ft long, 18 ft center strip pavement in 25ft wide ROW, 5 homes, no likely additions. *Ogden to Knapp – 448ft long, 25ft wide except last 150ft is 60ft wide, unimproved, 6 homes and possible 6 more. Knapp to Henderson – 245ft long, 60ft wide, unimproved, 3 homes, 1 more possible. Henderson to Flavel – 258ft long, 60ft wide, unimproved, 4 homes, 1 more possible. Flavel to Malden – 250ft long, 60ft wide, unimproved, 4 homes, no more likely. Malden to Lambert – 251ft long, 60ft wide, unimproved, 4 homes, no more likely. *Lambert to Lexington – 256ft long, 60ft wide, 18ft center strip paving, 3 homes, 1 more likely. Lexington to Nehalem – 251ft long, 60ft wide, unimproved, 4 homes, no more likely.
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem North of Rural and south of Nehalem, 57 th has curb and sporadic sidewalk. A large community garden exists beginning one block north of Rural. SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem is 2189ft, mostly 60ft width ROW except for the first 500ft south of Rural which is only 25ft wide. 57 th south of Nehalem intersects with Tenino Dr and Flavel. It’s unlikely that traffic north of Flavel would usually continue south and vise-versa. North of Flavel, 16 homes exist and 8 more possible. 24 homes might generate 240 trips per day. The narrow ROW limits potential separate pathways, however, the community gardens likely attract a variety of transportation modes. Collection of speed data is recommended to determine if traffic calming is needed.
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem 57 th north of Ogden, to 130ft north of Rural, appears to exist in a form that already mimics a narrow, shared street environment. South of Ogden the ROW is not improved. A shared street would be suitable. Consider stopping 57 th at Knapp as Knapp is a future neighborhood greenway. Stopping Henderson at 57 th would fit with a typical neighborhood stop plan. Stopping Ogden at 57 th would be recommended after investigation if sigh distance in the reverse curve on Ogden.
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem South of Flavel 15 homes exist and 1 more is possible. 16 homes might generate up to 160 trips, though many of the trips already travel elsewhere. A new north-south connection between Flavel and Flavel Dr may attract additional traffic. An alternating stop plan is recommended. There is not an identified E-W neighborhood greenway south of Flavel, and many of the streets do not connect. SE Tenino, south of Nehalem, appears to be the most likely candidate.
SE 57th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Rural
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Ogden
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Knapp
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Henderson
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Flavel
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south at Malden
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Lambert
SE 57 th, Rural to Nehalem Looking south from Lexington to Nehalem
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th 120 est trips per day60ft width ROW*
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th R5 Zoning
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th Street pavement widths / red is also owner maintained with everything else around it City maintained
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th Neighborhood Greenway
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th 342ft of unimproved ROW, 60ft wide, except 4 parcels on the north side that have not dedicated ROW. The south side parcels have dedicated, but the ROW at the corresponding locations is only 14-30ft wide. A dirt and gravel roadway exists along the street segment alignment and over the private property. 7 homes access the roadway, with 6 more possible. 12 homes might generate 120 trips per day. Woodward at 56 th provides access to Franklin HS, and so might attract more traffic as a direct pathway.
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th Woodward is a future neighborhood greenway and already includes sharrow markings, though another section of Woodward, east of 78 th, is also unimproved (currently a work around that uses Tibbetts to the south) Past traffic counts at 73 rd and 80 th have measured trips per day with 85 th percentile speeds of 26-27mph, though Woodward has recently been posted for 20mph due to the greenway designation. New speed counts are recommended as is traffic calming.
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th View looking east from 75th
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th View looking east
SE Woodward, 75 th to 77 th Looking east to 77th