Ty Bello, RCC
Understand the current Business Struggles for the majority of HMEs today. We will reveal and discuss these 4 Elements that will make your Business Thrive We will develop a strategy for you to implement these elements in your business
Declining Revenue Gross Margin DSO Revenue per Employee Increased Operating Expenses Moderate to no Change Bad Debt The Obvious 36 Month Cap 9.5% Cut Competitive Bidding Operational Inefficiencies Personnel Lack of Sales Focus
Make your Business Thrive, not just survive Perspective Position People Plan
Defined: to look through, see clearly, from per- through + specere to look What is your Vantage Point?
Elevation Advantage Height (feet)Horizon (miles) , ,
Ignore this OPPORTUNITY Business As Usual How should we be viewing The Future????? Work Smarter NOT Harder Will you Grow your Bottom Line Today? Margin Increase????? Market Share?????
The Future is about GROWING GROWING is about CHANGE CHANGE is inevitable for Success
Level 5 Leaders - leaders who have both personal humility and professional will. The Hedgehog concept means having a simple, extremely clear concept of what their business is. That business is something they can Make money at Be passionate about, and Be the best in the world at…
Work on the Business not in the Business 45,000 Feet The Flywheel refers to the idea of momentum keep pushing in one direction overcome obstacles built a little bit at a time its not a dramatic revolutionary change but constant diligent work.
Where are you at as a business? Where do you want to be? How will you get there? What will it take to achieve this level? When will you implement? How long will it take? Create it or Buy it?
your strengths and weaknesses your competitive market position opportunities to leverage and capitalize on how to best utilize your personnel to improve performance margin improvement opportunities customer relationship management and pinpointing the right audience a view as to where you are heading alternate paths that might yield a more profitable or rewarding outcome identification of short and long term goals
Who is on your team? Get the right people on the bus Top Grade NOW Monster DOT COM Recruiting Coaching Evaluations Retention
Comprehensive Business Review Financial Assessment Business Valuation So how to measure value Sales Operations Market Share Financial Assessment Revenue Gross Margin DSO Revenue per Employee Increased Operating Expenses Moderate to no Change Bad Debt
Human Capital (Personnel) Assessment Re-Interview Your Staff Review ALL Job Descriptions Assessment Tools (New and Existing Hires) Growth Management Assistance Retool, Retrain Staff Coaching your Team and Managing Your Processes
Strategic Planning for the next 1-5 years Peter Drucker – 5 Most Powerful Questions Executive Team and Leadership Business Continuation Business Acceleration Diversification Future Opportunities Review
The Future is about GROWING GROWING is about CHANGE CHANGE is inevitable for Success
Please visit us on line atwww.teamatworkcoaching.comwww.teamatworkcoaching.com Call us at (260) us at: or As a reminder, Work offers a wide variety of solutions for your business. We would love to work with you to customize a program for your team, group, or for you individually. We specialize in the Assessment, Development, Coaching and Training of teams and individuals.