“Mosaic” or “the Melting Pot”


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Presentation transcript:

“Mosaic” or “the Melting Pot” Canada the USA

Mosaic/Melting Pot – Facts or Opinions? For each of the following, type “F” if the statement is a FACT or “O” if it’s an OPINION. Millions of people have immigrated to the USA and Canada. __ Canada encouraged immigration from all over the world. __ Canada’s earliest settlers were native peoples. __ Canada’s next settlers were the French and English. __ Immigrants want to assimilate into American society. __ In the late 20th century, most immigrants to the US were from Latin __ America and Asia. These Latino and Asian immigrants are less willing to give up their traditions and beliefs in order to assimilate. __ Bringing many cultures together is a continuing challenge both in the USA and in Canada. __ In 2000, 30% of the US population was non-white. __ In 2050, 47% of the US population will be non-white. __

Mosaic/Melting Pot – Facts or Opinions? Answer the following questions using the text on pg. 180-181. Type at least 3 sentences per answer. Find a sentence that is an opinion. What makes it an opinion? Can you re- write that sentence so that is a fact? If so, try. Does the textbook say which if a “mosaic” or “melting pot” is preferable (better)? If not, then why would the author not pick a side? Do you think the USA should be a “mosaic” or “melting pot?” Why? What did the textbook write that helped you decide?