What is the issue ? What do people say for/against the issue ? How did I research the topic ? What results I got from the survey ? What's my opinion ? Conclusion
The issue is that should violent video games be banned? Ever since 1999, after the columbine shootings, all the governments tried to stop violent video games. It is because the columbine shootings were linked to a violent video game. After this incident, lots of people started to protest against this issue. Some say that violent video games turn children's minds into freaks but other people say that it doesn't and that violent video games are entertaining for lots of people. So in this presentation I will show you the good side, the bad side and the results I got from the survey.
The argument for this is to ban it. The arguments are that it is changing people’s minds to be bad and this is mostly aimed at children. Some games out in the market are very addictive for example Call of duty Black ops. Lots children will like this game and some of them will try to act it out in real life. Video games can also affect a child's school performance. One of the famous incidents was the Virginia tech massacre. This was a boy called Seung-Hui Cho loved to play the game Counter Strike. Then on the 16th of April 2007, he went on a massacre and killed 32 people and finally killing himself. After this, the government went harsher on violent video games. There were also other killings that involved video games. It is not the children’s fault it is the parents because they buy it for the children. It clearly says the age rating for the game on the cover and the parents just buy it for them. The danger of this is that the kids try to act out what they played so this can get very serious. For example, pretend a boy who played Smack down vs Raw, the boy would try to act it out and wrestle with his friend and he can get a very serious injury. So this is what they think that is wrong with violent video games.
Some people think that it should not be banned because it will be boring for so many other people playing non violent video games. People say that when playing violent video games, they become more aggressive but in fact it makes them calmer. The video games are a great way of relaxing after school and from a long day of work. It takes their mind of other stressful things. People don’t think about acting out things they just see in the game, they are not that crazy. It also creates good self confidence in people for example; completing a hard level will make them have a great sense of confidence. When most people play they just do it and then forget about it. People also play them to let out anger inside themselves especially boys. They can let of anger by video games. Any way the video games are made for adults and not for children so they shouldn’t be buying it. If they ban violent video games, it will be trouble for adults because they have nothing to play except the non violent video games. There are new games coming out like Call of duty Black Ops and Medal of Honor. These are the video games that everyone likes and these games are violent. If any new and non- violent games come out, they wont be excited to play so less people play it.
I researched about my topic mostly on the internet. I got the information from Wikipedia and I got some of the examples from newspapers and books. On Google I typed in violent video games and then Wikipedia showed up. I typed in video game controversy and a lot of information came up and I also looked up violent video games debates for the pros and cons for the issue. The websites I went on were: Wikipedia I debate Debate pedia I also read a bit of the book called Grand theft childhood. Also in news papers like metro and evening standard.
I asked four of my friends and myself five same questions. The first question was, do you know the incident that happened in 1999 that was linked with video games?, second one was do you know the good side of violent video games ?, the third question was do you know the bad side of violent video games ?, do you think violent video games should be banned ? And the last one was do you play violent video games? For question one they said four no’s and one yes, the second question was five yeses and there was nothing for no, the third question was five yeses and again nothing for no, the fourth question was five no’s and nothing for yes and finally the fifth question was four yeses and one no. Here is the table below.
My opinion is that violent video games should not be banned because it is fun for a lot of people and people will get bored of non violent video games and the business will go down. It is also because I play violent video games as well and it will be boring for me as well. Most of my classmates said that it should not be banned. Violent video games shouldn’t be banned but if parents but their children these video games and they turn bad, then it is their problem.
In conclusion, I think that violent video should not be banned. I have written about the pros for the argument and the cons for the argument. I also wrote about my opinions and ideas for this report and the survey from the class. I hoped you enjoyed reading and watching my presentation about should violent video games be banned.
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