Convenience Or Conviction Which Describes Your Life?
Convenient Religion Jeroboam He devised in his own heart the convenience
Bible Examples Convenient... Convenient... Cain s offering. (Gen.4:2-5) Conviction... Conviction... Abel s offering. (Heb.11: 4)
Bible Examples
Convenient... Convenient... Nadab & Abihu. (Lev. 10:1) Conviction... Conviction... Joshua s Stand. (Joshua 24:14-15)
Bible Examples Convenient... Convenient... Spies giving a bad report of Canaan. Conviction... Conviction... Joshua & Caleb standing against the other Spies.
Bible Examples Convenient... Convenient... Complaining about God. (Exo. 15:24; 16:8) Conviction... Conviction... Obeying God without question. (Gen 22:6)
Worldly Examples
Convenient... Convenient... Fornication. Conviction... Conviction... Self-control. (1 Cor. 7:5,9)
Worldly Examples Convenient... Convenient... Accepting abortion, suicide and euthanasia. Conviction... Conviction... Defending life. (Gen. 1)
Worldly Examples Convenient... Convenient... Denying that God exist. (Romans 1:20-22) Conviction... Conviction... Proclaiming Christ by word and deed takes. (Matthew 5:16)
Worldly Examples Convenient... Convenient... Accepting homosexuality. Conviction... Conviction... Rejecting homosexuality. (Lev.18:22 Rom.1:26-27)
Worldly Examples Convenient... Convenient... Redefining marriage. Conviction... Conviction... Defending marriage. (Gen. 2:24)
Modern Day Religions
Convenient... Convenient... Joining any church. Conviction... J Conviction... Joining the one church. ( Eph. 1:22-23)
Modern Day Religions Convenient... Convenient... Faith only. Conviction... Conviction... Saving faith. (James 2:19-24; Luke 6:46).
Modern Day Religions Convenient... Convenient... Sprinkling for baptism. Conviction... Conviction... Immersing for baptism. (Col. 2:12; Rom 6:4; 1 Pet 3:21)
Modern Day Religions Convenient... Convenient... Mechanical instruments & choirs. Conviction... Conviction... Singing and making melody in your heart. (Eph 5:19; Col. 3:16)
Modern Day Religions Convenient... Convenient... Lord s Supper monthly, quarterly or annually. Conviction... Conviction... Lord s Supper weekly. (Acts 20:7)
Modern Day Religions Convenient... Convenient... Church building for social functions. Conviction... Conviction... Sharing our homes with Christians. (Acts 2:46)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... To be like the world. Conviction... Conviction... To renew one s life. (Rom.12:1-2Eph. 4:21-24).
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Always yearning to stay home. Conviction... Conviction... Always yearning to be with Christians. (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Never talking about salvation to sinners. Conviction... Conviction... Always talking about salvation to sinners. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Praying when in trouble. Conviction... Conviction... Praying without ceasing. (Luke 18:10; 1 Thes.5:17; Eph.5:20)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Never caring about the physically & spiritually needy. Conviction... Conviction... C aring for them. (James 1:27 Gal. 6:1)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Doing nothing with the work of the church. Conviction... Conviction... Getting involved with the work of the chu. (Philip. 2:12; 1 Cor. 15:58)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Never maturing spiritually. (Heb. 5:12-14) Conviction... Conviction... Growing in Christ. (1 Peter 2:2)
Christians Convenient... Convenient... Surrendering in face of adversity. Conviction... Conviction... Remaining faithful. (Matt. 10:22; Rev 2:10)
Thank God He never chose the convenient way.
How To Avoid Condemnation To Remove Sin You Must Believe, John 8:24 Repent, Acts 17:30 Confess, Matt 10:32 Be baptized, Acts 2:38 Christ Sin Live faithfully Live faithfully 1 John 1:7 1 John 1:7 Receive Receive Forgiveness Forgiveness Romans 8:1 …no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…