Your friends, your choices. Class Action Lesson One Halifax County, Virginia
Ten Important Facts About Street Gangs
1. Street gangs recruit members as early as elementary school. Gang members typically range in age from 12 to 24. Evidence that a member as young as 8 in Lynchburg.
2. Street gang members are both boys and girls. Females are in over 1/3 of gangs. Females are in more active roles.
3. Street gangs are a mix of different races and cultures.
4. Street gang members must prove themselves to their gangs. Initiation –B–Being Jumped In –V–Violence to Strangers Climbing Up –P–Putting in Work Loyalty –A–Against All Else – Family, School, Church, Friends –Blood In, Blood Out
5. Street gang members are typically involved in activities that break the law. Primary Distributors of Illegal Drugs in US Dominant Retail Level Distributors of Crack, Cocaine, PCP in Virginia Control and Expansion of Operations Locations Result in High Levels of Violence Assault, Burglary, Drive-by Shootings, Extortion, Homicide, Identity Fraud, Money Laundering, Robbery, Witness Intimidation
6. Street gang members accept violence as a method of operation. Territorial Hierarchical Respect Loyalty Equals Violence
7. Street gang members are often arrested for their crimes. Misdemeanors – up to 12 months in jail Felonies – Some up to life in prison Forfeiture of assets used in gang activities
8. Street gang members are feared and not respected by their peers. Do true friends have to buy your friendship? Do true friends have to threaten you to get you to do something for them? Do true friends demand your full attention 24/7/365? Do true friends want you in jail or injured or worse?
9. Street gang members are followers not leaders. Is it likely that a gang member will have time to prepare for SOLs? Is it likely that a gang member will have time to fill out college applications? Is it likely that a gang member will have time to devote to sports? Is it likely that a gang member will make good grades? Is it likely that a gang member will succeed outside of the gang?
10. Street gang members are breaking the law by committing certain crimes while being in a gang. Gang Participation = being a member of a street gang and committing certain crimes Gang Recruitment Gang Hazing Gang Threats
Your friends, your choices.