Negotiation Tips No. 75 Building Blocks The subject of the Building Block tactic has come up again recently in a couple of programmes I’ve run. If you remember…it is a simple process for a buyer to use their volume in small instalments rather than to put it all on the table in one go. So if you need to buy 10 computers…ask for a price for 4 and negotiate strongly. Then add another 4 to the deal and negotiate again strongly and then make it 10. This gives you three bites at the deal instead of one. This can only work if you’re a buyer in a negotiated environment. It is very tough if not impossible to do this via a tender process. If you’re a seller then jump the buyer at the first sign of a building block to a high volume level and don’t give them a chance to put in the intermediate steps. It’s a very powerful tactic and should be used regularly. © Tom Beasor 2001
Sales Tips No. 55 Let’s Network My challenge is to ensure that as many people as possible read this tip and that it creates some value and entertainment for them and at the same time puts my name and my company and my products in front of them. I’m not embarrassed to admit the fact. Sellers need to be constantly in touch with their clients, their prospects and the market place. If they are not then their competitors will soon be. I would say the same to buyers as well. They also need to be networking with suppliers, colleagues and the market place so as to remain abreast of latest developments and opportunities. In the days of the internet and e-mail there is really no excuse. Just one word though…don’t send out a weekly tip. I don’t need the competition! © Tom Beasor 2001
Management Tips No 4 The one minute manager I’ve been running management training programmes for over 10 years and I’ve never stopped recommending the One Minute Manager book. It’s a simple yet powerful read and what’s more the book is cheap and can be read in one sitting! In a nutshell the book gives a manager three tasks in their managing of others: 1. How to set one minute targets 2. How to offer one minute praisings 3. How to offer one minute reprimands. In proper English it means set your people targets and then coach them to achieve them by praising their good performance and helping them reduce their bad. Don’t just believe me, buy the book and read it for yourself and then put it on your boss’s bookshelf! © Tom Beasor 2001