Drug Demand Reduction Administrator (DDRA) Training Presented by Jett Mayhew, National DDR Officer Last Updated December 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Drug Demand Reduction Administrator (DDRA) Training Presented by Jett Mayhew, National DDR Officer Last Updated December 2011

Course Overview Roles of the DDRA –Wing-level planning and execution of the DDR program –Supervising and mentoring DDROs –Working with other agencies: state organizations and Air Force DDR personnel –Working and coordinating with Region DDRC Getting started Questions

Roles of the DDRA Wing-level planning and execution of the DDR program Supervising and mentoring DDROs Working with other agencies: state organizations and Air Force DDR personnel Working and coordinating with Region DDRC

Planning & Execution Work closely with wing Cadet Programs staff and wing Chief of Staff to encourage DDR integration with all wing activities Work with CAC and the wing DCP to plan cadet activities Ensure DDR is taught at all wing encampments in accordance with NHQ’s encampment requirements listed in the Encampment Curriculum (capmembers.com/encampment)

Planning & Execution Promote a strong safety and Operational Risk Management (ORM) program –Conduct ORM analysis before EVERY activity –Safety should be first! Work with the wing Safety Officer to promote the safety of all wing and community members during activities

Planning & Execution Encourage all units to participate in the Red Ribbon Campaign (October each year) –Coordinate with units to determine how many ribbons they will need for their activities –Ensure that ribbons are ordered for the wing NLT 30 May Note: You can have Red Ribbon Events all through the year

Planning & Execution Nominate a DDR Member of the Year –Use a CAPF 120 to nominate the cadet or senior member in your wing who has done the most to impact the DDRP during the last year –Member does not have be to assigned as a DDR officer to be nominated –AARs may be used as supporting documentation –Nominations must have the signature of the Wing Commander –Nominations due to Wing HQ by 15 January

Planning & Execution DDR Member of the Year: This annual award recognizes the most outstanding member (senior member or cadet) who contributed to the success of CAP’s DDR program. Any CAP member or CAP unit may submit a nomination on a CAPF 120 through the chain-of-command to National Headquarters, which forwards nominations to the awards committee. Regions and wings are authorized to establish this award for their echelon. Nominations will include actions and impact of initiatives taken to achieve the DDR program vision and mission for a drug-free world through education, training and community outreach. Submission of all nominations should follow the timeline found in CAPR The award will be presented during the annual Summer National Board and Conference.

Planning & Execution Nominate your wing for Outstanding DDR Wing of the Year –Use a CAPF 120 to nominate your wing for having the most impact on the DDR program during the last year –Use EOY report as supporting documentation –Nominations must have the signature of the Wing Commander –Nomination due to Wing HQ by 15 January

Planning & Execution Outstanding DDR Wing of the Year: This annual award recognizes the wing with the strongest commitment to establishing a drug-free America. Wings that have a DDR Administrator assigned are eligible to compete for this award. Wing commanders may submit nominations on a CAPF 120 through the chain-of-command to National Headquarters, which forwards nominations to the awards committee. Nominations will describe the wing’s accomplishments, based on the End of Year report in eServices. Submission of all nominations should follow the timeline found in CAPR The award will be presented during the annual Summer National Board and Conference.

Planning & Execution Make sure you have an assistant DDRA assigned –As with all other positions in CAP, it is very important to train your replacement –With an assistant, your job becomes easier because you can distribute the workload –Assistant DDRAs are assigned the same way as DDRAs in eServices

Planning & Execution Complete an End of Year Report by 30 Oct each year –The EOY report is completed online in eServices under DDR Reporting –After Activity Report information is automatically integrated into the EOY report, making your job easier –Complete all seven sections of the report Section for DDRA information Section for wing demographics One section for each of goals 1-5 Your wing can’t receive funding or materials if the report isn’t filed

Planning & Execution Submit After Activity Reports (AARs) for the DDR events you instruct or coordinate Maintain accurate records and answer appropriate questions for Wing Compliance Inspection –Questions are under Cadet Programs Tab –Include supporting documentation for all your answers –If you have gone above and beyond any of the questions for your wing, include that documentation as well

Roles of the DDRA Wing-level planning and execution of the DDR program Supervising and mentoring DDROs Working with other agencies: state organizations and Air Force DDR personnel Working and coordinating with Region DDRC

Mentoring DDROs Educate and train DDR & CP personnel on appropriate DDR responsibilities AFI (July 2005) defines CAP’s DDR program as a component of the Cadet Program In March 2010, CAP’s national commander returned DDR to Cadet Programs DDR and Cadet Programs need to have a firm partnership

Mentoring DDROs Communicate with units on a regular basis to answer questions and ensure they have the resources they need to run an active DDR program Be an open and available resource for DDROs and others interested in the DDR program Maintain your professional development so that you can be as helpful as possible to those you are leading

Mentoring DDROs Approve activity funding requests from units (via DDR Form 1A/1B/1C; found on DDR website) –Units request funding for promotional or other items for DDR events on a DDRF 1A or 1B, along with DDRF 1C –The DDRF 1C must have the signature of the Unit Commander –DDRA approves and forwards to the Wing Commander for approval and DDRC for review –Once signed by Wing Commander and DDRC, DDRA forward s to NHQ/DDR for processing Follow up on all unit activity funding requests

Mentoring DDROs Verify After Activity Reports in eServices –Once a unit has completed an activity, they will fill out an AAR in eServices and you will receive an –Verify each report for completeness –Common error: total gate count at a large event is not the attendance; attendance is the actual number of people who completed the DDR activity or received DDR education at the event –Common error: do not count attendees/students/ participants in the man hours for implementation –AARs are due NLT 15 days following the activity –If you have questions about submitting an AAR, please see the AAR Reporting Tutorial on the DDR website (capmembers.com/ddr) –If you still have questions, please contact your DDRC

Mentoring DDROs Verify member reports in eServices –DDRAs have access to see which units have assigned DDROs and which do not –This report can help you in contacting/coordinating with DDROs and unit commanders –If a unit claims to have a DDRO, but the position is not assigned in eServices, it does not count –Cadets cannot be assigned in eServices, so if a unit has a cadet DDRO, there must be a paper CAPF 2a on file

Mentoring DDROs To print a Member Report of all DDROs in your wing: –Go to Member Reports on the right side of the home screen in eServices –For Report type, choose Membership by Duty Position –For Unit, select your wing (e.g., MD-001) and verify that View Unit Only is not selected –Under Functional Area, select Cadet Programs –Under Duty Position, select Drug Demand Reduction Officer –Choose the type of report you want to view (PDF, Excel, or Word) –Click View Report

Roles of the DDRA Wing-level planning and execution of the DDR program Supervising and mentoring DDROs Working with other agencies: state organizations and Air Force DDR personnel Working and coordinating with Region DDRC

Working with Other Agencies Coordinate with local and state organizations to provide training at unit and wing activities Local and state organizations have great resources and teaching tools There are many groups, but some examples are: –Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve DDR Personnel –Police and Fire Dept and EMS professionals –State Health Department –Local media

Roles of the DDRA Wing-level planning and execution of the DDR program Supervising and mentoring DDROs Working with other agencies: state organizations and Air Force DDR personnel Working and coordinating with Region DDRC

Working with Region DDRC Direct all questions/suggestions for improvement to the Region DDRC Submit all Form 1A/1B and Form 1C requests to the DDRC for review Coordinate with the Region DDRC to plan activities and training If there is no assigned DDRC, work with the National DDR Officer

Getting Started It’s all about leadership and teamwork Focus on leading your subordinate personnel –Keep all the channels of communication open and flowing Focus on procedures and efficiency Focus on current issues and work to find solutions TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE

Getting Started Make sure the Wing Commander or Personnel Officer has assigned you as the DDRA in eServices Read the DDR Quick Start Guide (capmembers.com/ddr > DDR Resources) Enroll/progress in the DDR specialty track (CAPP 228) Become familiar with the DDR website (capmembers.com/ddr) Watch the Cadet Blog for updates (capmembers.com/cadets) NHQ staff is available to help

Getting Started Welcome to the team! Please remember the DDR team members around the nation are here to support you; do not feel that you are alone You are about to make a difference in your community, state and nation Thank you for your support!