Beth Francis, M.Ed., M.S. Gifted Intervention Specialist Felicity Franklin Schools
* You will learn what the Engineering Design Process is by experiencing it. * You will interpret data and you will be able to use this data to make design decisions, specifically for designing a parachute. * You will be able to compose detailed sketches of possible designs that effectively communicate the design’s intent and use these sketches to make prototypes and the final product. * You will be able to evaluate your preliminary design, and you will be able to design and execute an evaluation plan to evaluate your prototype models. * You will know how to predict problems in final production by creating prototype models of your designs. * You will know how a team works together in construction, and you will be able to construct your parachute and evaluate it for the design constraints.
Design a parachute that will safely deliver its cargo to the ground according to the following constraints: * The parachute must be made from the materials provided or materials you provide that are approved by the instructor. * The goal is also to obtain the maximum hang time and minimum hang time of 1.5 seconds. * The parachute must safely deliver the cargo(egg) when dropped from a height of 2 stories. * Cargo container: *Cannot involve liquids, helium, food, or glass *Weight cannot exceed one pound *Cannot exceed one foot in length or width *Must be able to place egg into your container just prior to the drop
Identify and Define Gather Information Identify Alternatives Select Best Solution Implement Solution Evaluate Solution Communicate Solution Communicate Refine Engineering Design Process
Restate the purpose of the design challenge. * What does the prototype have to do to be successful?
Guiding Questions * What is the main purpose of parachutes? * What forces will be acting on the parachute? * Include a definition of air resistance. * What is hang time?
Research: * How does the size and shape of the parachute affect its fall? * How do the weights and properties of different materials affect the way they behave? * How do the number, placement, and type of supports affect the effectiveness of the parachute?
Considerations: * Brainstorm many ideas and pick three that your team likes best. * Your design must include how you will attach the parachute to the load. The load will be attached with a metal ring. * The cargo must land safely.
* Prepare three sketches of possible parachute designs. * Include rough dimensions. * Include notes on fasteners, attachments, and construction ideas.
* Explain why you chose the design that you did * Give 3 reasons. * Give several complete sentences that gives the teacher enough information to understand your choice. * Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation
* Design a plan for evaluating the prototype (procedure) * Design tests to ensure your design is valid, reliable, and possible. * Determine how you will record your findings.
Construct a prototype of your parachute. * Execute the designed tests and record the results * Update all sketches and drawings to show the results of the prototype testing.
After testing: * Upon completion of construction we will evaluate your parachute according to the design constraints and evaluation plan you created.
* Modify prototype if needed and re-test. Continue refining until the design is ready for the challenge.
Present parachute to the class. Presentation must include: * A display which explains their findings and explains the choices they made using the evaluation plan created earlier in unit and the challenges they faced. * The display can be a poster, PowerPoint, Prezi or medium of choice approved by teacher.