The University of St. John Fisher Be part of Something Special
Marketing Situation Confusion Catholic? Where's the diversity?! Beautiful Campus Teachers are Local Professionals
SWOT Analysis Strengths: Beautiful campus Convenient college town Strong athletic programs Respectable education and valued degrees Weaknesses: Expensive Lack of Parking Lack of diversity
SWOT Analysis (Cont.) Opportunities: Division 1 Team Become a university IMC program Move focus away from Catholic religion Adding more online courses Threats: Declining number of college students Other schools in the Rochester area Identity Crisis
Market Gender Interests- Learning about the now, not the past Religion Income- A non-factor
Target Market High School Students Parents Those who want to be something special
Positioning Fisher is NOT Syracuse Fisher is NOT West Virginia Fisher is NOT Southern California Fisher is Fisher
Competitor Evaluation Primary: Nazareth College SUNY Brockport Ithaca College Secondary: Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester
Marketing Goals Short Term Enroll at least 50 new students Long Term Enroll at least 1,000 new students
Budget $7,300,000 Total – TV- $3,000,000 (2 per week, primetime cable) – Event Planning- $2,000,000 – Transportation- $500,000 – Online Advertising (Banner Ad’s, Facebook, SEO)- $1,000,000 – Billboard/ Outdoor Advertising- $500,000 – News Paper- $200,000 – Radio- $100,000
Budget (Cont..)
Creative Strategy Focus on IMC program Strive for Excellence Develop personal skills and character Location
Advertising Objectives Increase awareness in 25% of target market within one year Enhance perception of superiority within three years
Execution Radio Scripts Small Portion of Ads Donald Bain Sparking Conversations
Execution TV Commercials Former Fisher Graduates Clips of more student activity Not so much Donald Bain
Execution Event Coordination Hosting High School Sports Young Media Panel’s
Online Advertising SEO Facebook Banner Ads
Integrated Marketing Recommendations Predominant business figures Appearances in ads and events