About Mr. Delgado I have been teaching for 8 years I have an Associate of Arts from Lakeland Community College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated Social Studies with an minor in Education from Cleveland State University I’ve have taught in three different schools Richmond Heights Secondary School CASTLE High School (Cleveland) Telshe High School (Wickliffe)
MR. Delgado I have Two Children Delilah and Maximilian O I love animals and Have a pet dog and cat
Mr. Delgado O I’m a musician O I play guitar and bass guitar
Mr. Delgado O I’m a huge Cleveland sports fan and a Browns season ticket holder
Scuba Diver O I am a certified open water diver and even went on a shark dive!!!
WELCOME TO RM.125 Mr. Delgado
Classroom Rules O BE PROMPT! O Any unexcused tardy will result in a half hour after school detention that Friday O If you arrive late to class… If you have a pass place your pass on the file cabinet If you do not then sign the detention list and quietly return to your seat
Classroom rules O Be POLITE!!! O Treat everyone in the room the way you would like to be treated O Profanity will not be tolerated O Do not shout out. Raise your hand if you would like to ask a question
Classroom Rules O BE PREPARED!!! O Enter the classroom ready to work O Each day have your supplies O You need your notebooks, and a pen or pencil everyday!
Classroom Rules O No cell phones O No head phones
consequences O If you break any classroom rules there will be consequences O 1. The first time you will receive a verbal warning O 2. The second time I will call home and you will be issued a detention for that Friday O 3. The third violation will result in a disciplinary referral to the principal for further action
consequences O Any serious behavior that may be a danger to our classroom or are deemed unacceptable by the instructor may result in immediate removal from class and a referral to the office for further action
Procedures O 4 days a week you will have bell work O When the tardy bell rings you should be in your seat quietly working on the bell work question O You will have 5 minutes to address the bell work question
Procedures O Bell work- After you have answered the question on the board we will see a short video clip related to that topic or introducing a new topic O Depending on the length of the video clip you will be required to write down some important information O Bell work will be collected daily
procedures O Homework- Homework will be collected each day after bell work O Late work will be worth half credit O If you have an excused absence then your work will be accepted one week later for full credit
procedures O Notes- You are required to take notes in this class up to 3 days a week O Every Friday you will have an open note quiz over the notes from that week O Your notebook will be checked for completion at least every two weeks on Friday
Procedures O If I need the attention of the class O I will raise my hand O When you notice my hand being raised please give me your attention and stop talking O Once everyone has quieted down I can more easily give instructions
procedures O Passes- Passes to the restroom will only be given to one student at a time per my discretion O Passes to other classrooms will only be granted with written permission from that teacher
Procedures O Ask permission to leave your seat O If you need to sharpen your pencil, throw something away, get a tissue etc. raise your hand quietly and I will let you know when and if you may do so O Do not interrupt instruction for something that can wait till after class
procedures O When you’re finished with your assignment… O Work on Chapter Vocabulary words O Prepare a Current Event for extra credit O Read quietly O Work on an assignment for another class
Procedures O Dismissal- Class is not over until the teacher dismisses the class O We will have meaningful instruction from bell to bell O Please remain in your seats until I have dismissed the class
signature O Please sign this paper acknowledging you have read Mr. Delgado’s policies. O Have your parents read and sign this paper by Friday Sept. 5, 2014 O I have read and agree to the class procedures and consequences. O Student X ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian X______________________________