What to visit in Davis By Grace Schwedler
Mondavi Center The Mondavi Center has performances from all over the world; Irish dancers, African singers, Asian drummers, etc. They also have performances that are more American and local; Blue grass bands, Children from music camps, you get the idea. Its a beautiful building with great acoustics. Seeing a performance there is definitely an experience to remember.
S.T.E.A.C S.T.E.A.C stands for Short Term Emergency Aid Committee. This is something a global citizen would be interested in, not a tourist who wants to go site seeing. Its a little local charity that provides food and other essentials for homeless and those who have hit hard times. Around Christmas, they have an adopt a family program where businesses or individuals provide a box with food and gifts for an entire family. You could go there and see how this local charity works.
Whole Earth Festival Whole Earth Festival happens once a year on Mothers Day Weekend. It brings attention to many of the environmental problems we are facing as well as being a really fun event. It is a no waste event, also. All the vendors use plastic plates and cups, and metal forks. You have to put a one dollar deposit on everything you use and theres a station where you turn it in and get your money back. Food is put into compost, as well as used napkins. Its a great way to have fun while being environmentally conscious.
Farmers Market The last thing I would put in is the Farmers Market. Its a great way to support local farmers and other businesses. Its by a park so kids dont get bored easily. Theres usually someone performing some type of music or dance.