Question formation in French
A Les questions avec est-ce que When you ask a question, you may want a YES or NO answer, or you may be looking for SPECIFIC INFORMATION. In French, you may ask both types of questions using est-ce que. Yes/No Questions est-ce que + rest of sentence Est-ce que tu habites ici? Do you live here? (Are you living here?) Est-ce qu’Alice travaille? Does Alice work? (Is Alice working?) Continued...
B Information Questions Où est-ce que tu habites? Where do you live? Les questions avec est-ce que Information Questions QUESTION WORD(S) + est-ce que + rest of sentence Où est-ce que tu habites? Where do you live? Quand est-ce que vous travaillez? When do you work? In informal conversation, information questions can also be formed by placing the question words at the end of the sentence. Tu habites où? Vous travaillez quand? Link to Image
Question words to remember Où ? Where? Qui? Who? Quoi? What? Quand? When? Combien? How much? Comment? How?/what? Est-ce-que…? Do you…? Qu’est-ce-que…? What do you…?