Year 10 LOTE studies 2010 By Mrs Dux
SE - one Group classifiers – are used most nouns when you want to indicate the number of items; for example when saying things like ‘ a seller’ or ‘three sellers’, you would need to use the group classifier for people (orang). When saying ‘one seller’ (or anything), you add the prefix se- to the group classifier, not the noun. That is, we would say seorang penjual mobil. There are three commonly used group classifiers;
Dua orang penjual mobil
Seekor anjing Dua ekor kucing Tiga ekor burung
Sebuah tas Dua buah apel Tiga buah sepeda motor
Sepotong kue coklat Sepotong kain
Sehelai kertas Sehelai baju kaos
Satu liter Cocacola Dua puluh liter bensin Tiga ratus liter air
Satu bungkus humburgur Lima bungkus nasi
Design a poster and write sentences of any group classifiers Due Friday the 5 th Feb 2010
Resources: Keren Book 1&2 LOTE resources from SMR Astrid Dux Wiki 2010 Kenalilah Indonesia 2 Year 9&10