New Directions in Policing: Policing, Entrepreneurial Leadership and Change Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management New Directions in Policing: Policing, Entrepreneurial Leadership and Change Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management The Robert Gordon University, 7 May 2009 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED
Learning Outcomes Be able to identify and explain: the content and structure of the Award links between the SPC learning materials and skills required by entrepreneurial police managers
Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management (DPSLM) “Qualifying Examination” for promotion in the Scottish Police Service Launched in April 2007 Validated by the SQA as a Group Award at Level 8 on the SCQF 820 candidates currently studying the programme 675 new candidates admitted each year
Anticipated Benefits: Acquisition of learning to facilitate skills improvement in future managers Gateway to academic study at graduate and post-graduate levels Improved performance in the workplace Stimulus to open minds: encouraging innovative thinking
Policing in the New Public Management Era McLaughlin ( 2007) stressed a need within the police service for: “creation or appointment of professional managers who are required to extract maximum value from specified resources” McLaughlin, E (2007) The New Policing, London:Sage
Intrapreneur Leads with: Entrepreneurial vision Leadership Motivation Overcoming resistance to change
Intrapreneur - Characteristics Acceptance of Risk Knowledge of acceptable boundaries Strategic awareness Emotional Intelligence Influencing skills
Module 1 Contemporary Policing Criminal Justice System Professional Knowledge Module 2 Decision Making Professional Ethics in Policing Module 3 Organisational Management Module 4 People Management Leadership Over-arching Unit: Developing Skills for Personal Effectiveness 9 HN Units totalling 15 HN Credits : 120 SCQF points at Level 8
Professional Knowledge Criminal Justice System Contemporary Policing
Extracts from Ethics Tutorial: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Principles v Consequences Police culture and ethics Ethical Decision Making Model for the Police
1. Identify ethical decision 2. Potential issues? 3. Review ethical guidelines 4. Laws & regulations 5. Consult with others? 7. Consequences of actions 8. Public disclosure 9. Choose best action 6. Possible actions 10. Monitor and modify Ethical Decision Making Model
How do Managers and Leaders differ? Managers: Plan Organise Command Co-ordinate Control (Henry Fayol, 1949) Managers tend to be risk adverse Leaders: Plan Organise Lead Control (Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert, 1995) Leaders tend to seek opportunities and take acceptable risks Extract from Organisational Management Tutorial:
Extract from People Management Tutorial: Interpersonal Figurehead √ Leader √ Liaison √ Informational Monitor √ Disseminator √ Spokesperson √ Decision Entrepreneur ? Disturbance Handler √ Resource Allocator √ Negotiator √ Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles:
Entrepreneur / Intrapreneur Initiates planned change Is pro-active Seizes opportunities to improve: the organisation its efficiency its performance Cooke, S & Slack, N (1991) Making Management Decisions, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd √√√√√√√√√√
Accepts responsibility for success VISION Passion Persistence Motivation Driving force Takes prudent risks Persuades others to help Decision Maker Positive Thinker Determination
Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management