Verification, Validation, & Accountability Colleen Thornburgh February 13, 2009
2008 – 2009 Pillar Goals Education Research People Quality Service Growth Finance Strive to develop the highest quality medical education programs for all levels of learners Advance medical and scientific knowledge through basic, transitional, and clinical research Instill and reinforce standards of behavior that will attract, develop and retain outstanding staff, physicians, faculty and students Strive to be among the highest ranked health care providers by both regulatory and health care scoring systems Promote consistently positive experiences for our patients, staff and community Grow the enterprise to better serve patients and physicians and support the fundamental missions of teaching and research Preserve a focus of fiscal responsibility and multidisciplinary planning 2008 – 2009 Pillar Goals All programs meet or exceed national benchmarks Increase COM class size by 15% by 2010 Submit CTSA application by October 2008 Increase sponsored research by 8% Reduce COM turnover rate by 5% Maintain a voluntary turnover rate of 18% or less at OUP and OUMC Maintain or achieve top 10% in publicly reported JCAHO Core Measures Improve ease of obtaining test results to 50th percentile OUP : > 89.5 Improve patient satisfaction scores across the enterprise: OUMC to 2nd quartile Overall score of > 3.51 OUP to 50th percentile Adult: > 92.1 Children’s: > 89.5 Increase inter- departmental and physician satisfaction scores by 2 ½% Grow overall OU Medicine market share by 0.5% Grow hospital admissions by 3% Grow clinic visits by 4% OUMC: Increase net income before taxes by 7.44% over 2007 pre-tax net income OUP: Increase payments by 5% COM: All departments should meet cash reserve goals and have overall operating margin of 5%
Evidence Based Leadership (EBL) Meeting Title Here (on Notes Master) Rev 6.07 Breakthrough Foundation STUDER GROUP: Leader Evaluation Leader Development Must HavesSM Performance Gap Standardization Accelerators Aligned Goals Aligned Behavior Aligned Process Implement an organization- wide leadership evaluation system to hardwire objective accountability Create process to assist leaders in developing skills and leadership competencies necessary to attain desired results Must HavesSM Rounding ☺ Thank You Notes ☺ Employee Selection Pre and Post Phone Calls ☺ Key Words at Key Times AIDET ☺ Standards of Behavior Re-recruit high and middle performers Move low performers up or out Agendas by pillar Peer interviewing 30/90 day sessions Pillar goals Leader Eval Mgr (LEM) ☺ (2/16) Staff Eval Mgr (SEM) Discharge Call Manager (DCM) Rounding Mgr Idea Express As you implement the Evidence Based Leadership model, you’ve followed a specific course and implemented very specific tactics. Tactics that have yielded your organization some great results (improvements) over the last year. (customize by discussing a few of the organization’s accomplishments – brief) It’s common at this stage to now see results begin to plateau, the results you can accomplish by improving simple processes will not continue to grow unless we deal with our performance gaps -- we do this through HML conversations. When you address the performance gap, you move from the plateau to a new level of performance and results. © 2007 Studer Group
How do we drive results?
Verify and Validate what you expect Verification Tools Rounding Observation Monthly Meeting Model
Facilitate problem solving Coach behaviors Specific What’s working well What could be better Facilitate problem solving
Give specific feedback Incorporate into rounding Coach performance AIDET Example Observe the behavior Give specific feedback Incorporate into rounding Coach performance Facilitate problem solving
AIDET – Verification, Validation, Coaching Lisa, I’m rounding on the unit today and would like to hear what you believe is going well? Is there any individual or physician that I should recognize in the unit? When I came onto the unit, I heard you introduce yourself to one of your patients using AIDET. I appreciate your doing this and so do your patients. VERIFICATION I thought you did an excellent job introducing yourself, your skills and experience. SPECIFIC I heard you review Mrs. Jones schedule for the day, but didn’t explain why she would need to have tests completed in radiology. How might you have provided this information to her in a way she might understand? FACILITATE PROBLEM SOLVING
AIDET – Verification, Validation, Coaching When you take the time to use AIDET, you reduce patients’ anxiety and provide information that is helpful to their compliance and outcomes COACH SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR Over the next month, I’ll be listening for AIDET as I visit each of our units SET STAGE FOR FURTHER VERIFICATION As I do, I’ll be giving feedback and asking how I might support you Is there anything I can do to help you with AIDET or any issues in the department that I need to be aware of? Thanks…….
Facilitate problem solving You be the coach! Specific What’s working well What could be better Facilitate problem solving
What gets recognized, gets repeated! John, I noticed how you worked with the family members of Mr. Smith to ensure they had a translator who could answer their questions about his care. Thank you for modeling standard of caring by ensuring their needs were met Sandy, when you managed up Dr. Hoover to your patient today, you made it easy for Dr. Hoover to come in and take over coverage this weekend. When patients hear that they are in good hands, they are more likely to ask questions and provide important information that helps all of the staff provide better care for them Thank you for demonstrating excellent communication by managing up members of the care team
What do you want repeated? MODEL Specific Feedback What they did well Why it matters… connect the dots Thank them for doing the right thing
Leader Accountability Monthly Meeting Model (n) the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions
Monthly Meeting Model (MMM)
Monthly Meeting Model (MMM) Leaders bring the following items and results to their immediate supervisor for discussion: Leader Evaluation - LEM Monthly Report Card 90-Day Plan-Professional Development Linkage Grid from Leadership Development Institute Workshop Rounding Logs Thank you notes People Trends and Issues-Standards of Behavior Additional Verification Tools as implemented
MMM: What? Tool for leaders to hold meaningful dialogue and measure progress on goals Identify wins, and opportunities for improvement (OFIs) Coach leader performance: Recognize great performance (H) Provide coaching (M) Clarify expectations (L) Communicate consequences (L)
MMM: Hold Leaders Accountable Tell me what your plans for follow up are. What is your timeline? What are your next steps? What prevented you from meeting the deadline?
MMM: Hold Leaders Accountable Let’s be sure you understand the expectation. Let’s review the timeline and deliverables. If ________ is not delivered/accomplished, our next steps will be ____________. What questions do you have? How can I further support you?
Starts at the top and cascades down If we don’t do it … who will? MMM: Why? It’s what leaders do! Starts at the top and cascades down If we don’t do it … who will? Leader’s tool for understanding and driving results
Our Perceived Barriers Current Practice Dept. Meetings Talk to employees Employee R&R Selection and Orientation Retention Talking to Patients Pre/Post Calls Evaluation Only new item Effective Approach Pillar Agendas Rounding for Outcomes Thank You Notes Peer interviewing and 30/90 Day Meetings Individual Employee Meetings Key Word at Key Times Pre and Post Phone Calls Leader Evaluation Leadership Training
Real Barriers Pocket Veto Feigned buy-in
Send the mail to the right address...
“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” ~ George Eliot And it’s your choice to do the right thing!
What if it doesn’t go as planned??