Safety Days 2008
Rappel –Position of ULM/DPM in Belgian Airspace Class G and others Week or Week End Crossing of Mil CTRs Military Jet flights below ft Nav IN – OUT Arrows on map To firing ranges Marchetti navigations
Airspace classification within Brussels FIR
* D When military controlled ** G BTN FL 055 and FL 075 during activation of LFA G2 NORTH
Week or WE CROSSING OF MILITARY CTRs Ref : AIP CIV Enr 2.1. During the AD operational hours prior permissionDuring the AD operational hours (see AD 2 Military aerodromes), crossing of military CTRs is subject to a prior permission. The request shall be made to the ATC unit concerned on the appropriate frequency.AD 2 Military aerodromes Outside the AD operational hours overflying of EBBE, EBCV and EBFN is not authorized within a radius of 2 NM up to 2500 ft AMSLOutside the AD operational hours, the military CTRs are not activated. However and unless especially permitted by the Ministry of Defence, the overflying of EBBE, EBCV and EBFN is not authorized within a radius of 2 NM up to 2500 ft AMSL. EBFSnot authorizedwithin a radius of 2 NM up to FL 95 and restricted within a radius of 5 NM up to FL 95Unless especially permitted by the Ministry of Defence, the overflying of EBFS is not authorized within a radius of 2 NM up to FL 95 (see EBP06A) and restricted within a radius of 5 NM up to FL 95 (see EBR06B). EBBLnot authorizedwithin a radius of 2 NM up to FL 75 and restricted within a radius of 5 NM up to FL 75Unless especially permitted by the Ministry of Defence, the overflying of EBBL is not authorized within a radius of 2 NM up to FL 75 (see EBP07A) and restricted within a radius of 5 NM up to FL 75 (see EBR07B). may be re-activated "Brussels Information" MHzAs military ADs may be re-activated at any time, pilots are advised to avoid as much as practicable to cross the military CTRs. Activation can be checked with the FIC (CIV) - "Brussels Information" MHz. serviceable transponderMode A and C is requiredThe carriage of a serviceable transponder capable of replying to Mode A and C is required for all ACFT operating within military CTRs. An exemption to this rule may be granted, provided that the request is made before the FLT to the involved ATS authority.
(A) = 1000 AMSL (B) = 1500 AMSL Ref: Enr 6 Military Jet VFR flights below 4.500
Arrows on the Map
Jet flights to firing ranges REIMS NL PAMPA
Marchetti Navigations Bekkevoort Eghezee Gembloux 1300 AMSL
Be professional while you practise your hobby during your leisure time S
Safety Days 2008
EBFN 2500 AMSL 1000 AMSL Scramble 2 NM
EBBL FL 075QRA : Reactivation of CTR and TMA 5 NM2 NM
EBFS FL 095QRA : Reactivation of CTR and TMA 2 NM5 NM