Before performing the operation check that all the components that will be sewn arent damaged, contaminated, or incorrectly cut, according to the S0123 Manual. F_I-CAL-002 V03 Assembly Components: Reaction Plan Stop Process, identify, and separate defective material Notify Supervisor and Quality Auditor PAGE 1 OF 2 Engineering Authorized by: _______________ Quality Authorized by: _______________ Production Authorized by: _______________ Tools ABC Madero Plant Operations: 1 Lock-stitch Needle 30-40/100 mm. Revision Level: 001 Op. 100 Sewing Doubler and Strap to Panel A 1.- Reinforcement A (1)2.- Panel A (1) 1.- To start the operation take a reinforcement A from the holder, check that the material meets the material standard in the S0123 Manual. If it does, then place it over the pin template with the lining facing down as is shown in the image. Needle thread: Coats Blue (style 135) Bobbin thread: Coats Orange (style 135) Safety glasses, scale, stamp, scissors. PLAN L Template Then take a panel A from the holder and check that the material complies with the S0123 Manual, if it does, stamp it before beginning the seam where it is indicated and place it on the reinforcement A with the lining facing down on the pin template as is shown in the image. Make sure the triangular notches on both components are lined up. HONDA SZA RH Part No.: B Date Created 27/02/12 Date of Update/ Internal Revision Level 07/05/12 Int. Rev Start the seam by aligning the edge of the panel with the acrylic guide on the machine, stop when you get to the markings that form the square for the Strap. Acrylic guide Square in which to place Strap 4.- Take a Strap, check that the material complies with the S0123 Manual, if it does then place over the square formed by the markings, as is indicated. Continue with the straight seam and using the machine guide until you reach the end of the panel. Cut the threads. Marking Strap Strap(1) Panel edge Acrylic guide
Before performing the operation check that all the components that will be sewn arent damaged, contaminated, or incorrectly cut, according to the S0123 Manual F_I-CAL-002 V03 Assembly Components: Reaction Plan Stop Process, identify, and separate defective material Notify Supervisor and Quality Auditor PAGE 2 OF 2 Engineering Authorized by: _______________ Quality Authorized by: _______________ Production Authorized by: _______________ Tools ABC Madero Plant Operaciones: 1 Lock-stitch Needle 30-40/100mm. Revision Level : 001 Op. 100 Sewing Doubler and Strap to Panel A 1.- Reinforcement A (1)2.- Panel A (1) Safety glasses, scale, stamp, scissors. PLAN L Template HONDA SZA RH Part No.: B Date Created 27/02/12 Date of Update/ Internal Revision Level 07/05/12 Int. Rev At the start of the shift and every two hours, check that the Distance between the lower edge of Reinforcement A and the seam at the union is from 7 to 13mm, just like the distance from the upper edge of the Strap and the union seam. The finished sub-assembly should look like the one shown in the image that says Ok. Check that the components do not have stains, paper, or any abnormality. The part that says Not Ok shows a missing seam, which is why it should be Scrap. 2.- Strap(1) 5 NOTES: The operation should be completed before leaving the part in the holder. The repairs should be performed immediately and following the red bag procedure. Review the checklist every two hours and fill out according to point 6 (image that says Ok). You should use a scale to fill it out. 6.- Check that the seam doesnt have knots, missed stitches, torn stitches,, etc. Check both sides (blue-orange) Place the release stamp on the Strap and arrange the part as is shown. 6 Review the checklist every two hours and use the scale to measure what the checklist indicates: A.Stitches per 100 mm: B.Distances between components: Distance from the seam to the edge of the reinforcement is from 7 to 13 mm. Distance from the seam to the edge of the Strap is from 7 to 13 mm. Needle thread: Coats Blue (style 135) Bobbin thread: Coats Orange (style 135) Lower edge of reinforcement A Upper edge of Strap Union seam 7-13
LOG OF INTERNAL REVISION LEVELS OPERATION CARDS DATEEXTERNAL REVISION LEVEL INTERNAL REVISION LEVEL MODIFICATION PERFORMED PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR MODIFICATION 03/21/ /21/12 Int. Rev. 001Revision ChangeAbril Perales 07/05/ /05/12 Int. Rev. 002Add frequency of inspectionAbril Perales F_F-ING-022 V01 Op. 100 Sewing Doubler and Strap to Panel A