Be the best you can Welcome to the Year 6 Parents Information Evening for Highfields School Thank you for coming Highfields School
Be the best you can Eddie WilkesHeadteacher Sheila LamingAssistant Headteacher Maggie Brown Joint Head of Year 7 with Louise Redhead Cameron & Nick Year 8 Introductions Highfields School
Highfields Be the best you can Our values Inclusion, fairness and equality Respect and tolerance Celebration of achievement Personal reflection, honesty and mutual trust Care for our environment School Our Core Purpose To be an inclusive, happy community that values every individual and inspires them to achieve their full potential
Highfields Be the best you can School Be the best you can “A Good school with an Outstanding Sixth Form” (Ofsted, 2012)
Highfields Be the best you can School Supporting and challenging every child to be the best they can… Academic excellence Outstanding teaching and learning Expecting every child to make good progress in every subject Engaging, exciting curriculum Focus on every child as an individual within a highly supportive and caring community Huge range of extra-curricular opportunities Split-site school to aid transition Rewarding achievement and positive behaviour
Highfields Be the best you can School Things we are proud of Our students Our results Our Sports Leaders Our Awards Our Performing Arts Status Our Sixth Form Links with our Primary Schools
Highfields Be the best you can School An engaging and varied curriculum A rich, broad and balanced learning experience for all including the full range of National Curriculum subjects from Years 7-11 Opportunities for choice and specialisation begin in Year 8 building to a huge range of options in KS4 and Sixth Form Focus on progression
Highfields Be the best you can School How much time is spent in each subject in KS3? Maths, English, Science – 4 x 50 minute lessons each Language – 3 x 50 minute lessons Geography, History, Technology, PE – 2 x 50 minute lessons each Dance, Drama, Music, Art, PRS, PSHE, Citizenship and Learn 2 Learn, ICT – 1 x 50 minute lesson each
Highfields Be the best you can School Progress - working in partnership with you Six assessment points each year - flight paths November Review Day Parent/Teacher consultation evening ‘Door always open’ to discuss progress with tutors
Highfields Be the best you can School An example of a flight path
Highfields Be the best you can School Homework We believe that homework is important. It can extend learning beyond the classroom and encourages independent learning Homework is set in line with a published schedule - 45 minutes per week night (15 mins per subject) in Year 7 Every student is given a planner which is used to record homework and is one way in which parents and tutors communicate
Highfields Be the best you can School A real focus on every individual child within a supportive and caring community Highly-commended transition programme Supporting every child to ‘be their best’ Outstanding pastoral system Building positive relationships Outstanding student support systems
Highfields Be the best you can School Highfields’ Student Support Team Our Student Support Team helps students: With learning difficulties or physical or sensory disabilities Needing additional support to make progress in Maths and/or English Who may fall behind because of illness or injury With emotional, social or behavioural needs To develop their unique gifts and talents
Highfields Be the best you can School A HUGE range of opportunities! Sports teams and clubs and Sports Leadership Music, Arts and Drama and Dance clubs and events School Parliament Duke of Edinburgh Award Student-led charity events Lots of others, including Debating Society, Language Club, Science Club, Wheels Club, Art Club, Engineering Club, ICT Club, Warhammer Club, Tec dec and Book Club
Highfields Be the best you can School The House System - Aeris, Ignis, Terra, Aqua Designed to encourage co-operation between forms, years and sites whilst also encouraging competition so that students’ hard work and achievements are recognised and rewarded. Mainly be run by students. Each House has two Sixth Form Captains and a member of staff as House Coordinator.
Highfields Be the best you can School Supporting you into Year 7 September 2014School prospectus and admission form available October 2014 Open Afternoon/Evening – 9 October 2014 Autumn and Personal tours of the school welcomed Spring terms June 2015 Taster half day for each Primary School Head of Year visits all Primary schools July 2015Wednesday 1 July - Year 6 to Highfields Thursday 2 July - Year 6 Parents Evening September 2015Induction programme for new Year 7
Developing independent learners
Highfields Be the best you can School Why Highfields? Every child is recognised as an individual and their happiness and progress are everything to us A ‘small school feel’ for Years 7-8 with another step up in Year 9 Great ethos – a happy and positive place to be where students have a strong and influential voice Energy and dynamism of staff and students leading to exciting developments and innovative practice - a drive to be the best we can, to be outstanding High standards and continuous improvement to make sure that all ‘become their best’ Huge range of opportunities outside the classroom
Highfields Be the best you can School What’s next? Any general questions? Staff and students here tonight more than happy to chat to you individually or answer specific questions Thank you for your time and for your interest in Highfields