Poor sanitation, inadequate medical facilities, meager food supplies, and lack of potable water resulted in serious outbreaks of dysentery, cholera, and tuberculosis, which were exacerbated by overcrowding. 2
Key Ways Forward Health Care for Incarcerated Persons Area 4. Key Ways Forward regarding Health Care for Incarcerated Persons 3
Including the least in society with a standard of medical care. Limiting the spread of communicable diseases among the poorest and least resistant, due to over-incarceration, over- crowding, lack of sanitation, and medical neglect. 4
Provide treatment for drug addiction, instead of incarceration. Support both in-prison and post-prison treatment for alcohol and drug addictions. Ensure proper treatment and alternate facilities for those who are mentally ill. Provide timely medical service; test for and treat infectious diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. Provide nutritious food, and clean water for consumption and hygiene. - CURE 3 rd International Conference recommendations, March 16, 2008, to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission: 6
26. Adequate finance should be made available for health care; and budgeting for prison health care should be a separate line item. -The Kampala Declaration on Prison Health in Africa (1999). 7
27. Prisons should be open to independent inspectors who should report to a high authority. 28. Access to prisons by the public should be facilitated to enhance transparency. Open door visits could be organised on a regular basis to sensitise and educate the community about prison. -The Kampala Declaration on Prison Health in Africa (1999). 8
29. Priority must be given to communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis,, and local epidemics, as prisons can be breeding grounds with later community infections. - 4 th CURE International Conference 9
30. Alcohol and drug addictions, and mental illness require increased medical an psychological attention. All inmates with substance use disorders should be provided evidence-based treatment and aftercare. 10
31. The Ministry of Health should take over the responsibility of health in prison; and prisons should be included in public health programmes. Health programs in slums should be similarly upgraded to help reduce entry to prison. - CURE 5 th International Conference 11
The bonding of infants with their primary care-provider is essential for long term emotional development. Therefore, mother and child should be in a unit where they can live together on a continuous basis and under normal conditions as possible. - Penal Reform International, Making Law and Policy that Work. 12