The Icelandic Welfare State: Nordic or Anglo-Saxon? Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson NOPSA-36, Gothenburg 14 August 2014, 13–15
Lower Rate, More Revenue
Stabilisation: Inflation fell
Sustainable Strong Pension Funds
Public Expenditure in Iceland
Economic Freedom in the North
2003 Debate on “Hidden Poverty”
Eurostat on 2003–4 Poverty
Olafsson’s Income Distribution
Eurostat Income Distribution
Gini Coefficients after 2004
Top Credit Ratings Created Bubble
Bubble: 2004 Crucial Year
2004–8: Baugur Bubble
101: Baugur Group Private Jet
101: Baugur Group Private Yacht
Seven EU countries hit harder
All Income Groups Suffered
Living standards relative to EU average