Italian Level 2 Feelings
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning Actively take part in daily routine Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sources Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Further develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of language learning including skills for life and work Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others and interests of their choice Ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language Give a short presentation about a familiar topic Pronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning clear Work with others and make a successful contribution to a group presentation in English supported by the target languages
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning Read aloud a simple text Read and understand a variety of simple texts Make comparisons between English and target language (including use of a bi-lingual dictionary with support) Write about themselves and others and check the accuracy of own writing Exchange straightforward information in writing using familiar words and phrases
Vocabulary 2. Feelings Come stai? How are you? Sto bene I am well Va bene I am fine Cosi` cosi` So-so Va male Not bad Non sto bene I am not good Non sto bene per niente I am not good at all Sto male I am bad E tu? And you? Io ho fame I am hungry. Io ho sete I am thirsty Io ho caldo. I am hot Io ho freddo. I am cold Io sono ammalato. I am ill Io sono stanco for a boy, stanca for a girl I am tired
Come stai? How are you?
Io sto molto bene!
Sto bene!
Cosi` cosi`!
Sto male
Non sto bene! Use this to take the register, start each day with asking Come stai? Around the class. Create Come stai? Cards for pupils with printed off miniature copies of the pictures, ask Come stai? at the start of the day, after break, after lunch and ask pupils to choose their answer and say it to a partner or around the class.
Non sto bene per niente!
Va male! Use this to take the register, start each day with asking Come stai? Around the class. Create Come stai? Cards for pupils with printed off miniature copies of the pictures, ask Come stai? at the start of the day, after break, after lunch and ask pupils to choose their answer and say it to a partner or around the class.
E tu? And you?
Io ho fame
Io ho sete!
Io ho caldo!
Io ho freddo!
Io sono ammalato
Io sono stanco/a
Embedding the language Start each day with asking Come stai? Around the class. Create Come stai? Cards for pupils with printed off miniature copies of the pictures, ask Come stai? at the start of the day, after break, after lunch and ask pupils to choose their answer and say it to a partner or around the class. I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 0-01a / HWB 1-01a / HWB 2-01a / HWB 3-01a / HWB 4-01a
Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Attivita` – Feelings photos Pupils take photos of themselves depicting different feelings and then either add audio or text or both! This can be done on tablets or using applications such as Powerpoint. I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my choice to help me plan my writing in ways that engage my reader, using ICT when appropriate. MLAN 2-12a / MLAN 3-12a / MLAN 4-12a I can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information. MLAN 2-13b
Come stai strip lotto! Fold a bit of paper 5 times length ways so that you have 6 folds In each fold write a different feeling e.g. Io ho fame Whole class asks the teacher, Come stai? and the teacher chooses an answer. If this answer is at the top or bottom of the pupils paper, they can then tear that strip off (it has to be at the top or bottom!) This continues until a pupil has one strip left and if this is called they tear that in half and shout Lotto! You can then play again with the winner as the bingo caller. This game can be extended by acting out the feeling and pupils should then tell you the answer.
Psychic Flashcards This is a really simple but popular game and it’s a good way to practise vocabulary. Ask pupils to each write a feeling on a piece7 of A4 paper (could also draw a picture). Collect all paper in, shuffle them and hold them in a pile, facing away from the class so they can’t see whichever one is on top. Tell pupils that you want them to test out their telepathic/psychic powers. Very discretely select a page and keep it hidden from the class. Tell them you would like them to concentrate on your brain and you will think intently of the feeling on the page. Give them a set amount of time to try and “read your mind” and then they can try and guess. Whoever guesses correctly then gets to come and select one.
Songs! You will find a bank of sample songs which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Ciao Buongiorno Ciao buongiorno, ciao buongiorno, Come stai? Come stai? molto bene grazie, molto bene grazie, ciao ciao ciao Hi good morning hi good morning How are you, haow are you? Very well than you very well thank you Hi Hi Hi Hi hi hi.
ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.
Italian Topic 08: How old are you? < previous topic next topic > Interactive tasks 1. Quanti anni hai? 2. Gioco di memoria 3. Scegli la risposta 4. Scrivi la risposta 5. Trova le parole 6. TetrisAnswers and TranslationsLanguage focus Asking and saying one's age. Quanti anni hai? Ho sei anni. Lui quanti anni ha? Lui ha dodici anni. Lei quanti anni ha? Lei ha dodici anni. Worksheets 1. Quanti anni hai? (pdf 213 kb) 2. Abbina le frasi (pdf 90 kb) 3. Scegli la giusta (pdf 157 kb) 4. Tira il dado (pdf 48 kb) Combined worksheet (pdf 250 kb)Answers and TranslationsOther resources Poster - Howold are you? (A3 pdf 310kb) Flash cards - text (pdf 72kb)