The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition.


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Presentation transcript:

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Unit XIV Choral Music and Opera in the Classical Era “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.” —Psalm 98

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 39. Sacred Choral Music and Opera “I like an aria to fit a singer as perfectly as a well-tailored suit of clothes.” - W. A. Mozart

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mass, Requiem, and Oratorio Baroque tradition Eventually moved to concert hall Popularity of oratorio Church PerformanceConcert Hall Performance

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Classical Opera Opera types Opera buffa and opera seria Opéra comique, Singspiel, ballad opera Castrato vs. buffo

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Inspired by a Beaumarchais play Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte –Don Giovanni –Così fan tutte Set in Spain Aristocracy is satirized Arias provide emotional expression Recitative moves action forward

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Orchestral overture –abridged sonata-allegro form –Attaca into Act I

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Characters Count Almaviva Cherubino Susanna Basilio Other Characters: Figaro Countess Bartolo Marcellina

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Cherubino’s Aria “Non so più” (A-B-A-C) Trouser role Mezzo-soprano Act I, Scenes 6 and 7

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro (Listening Guide) Recitative: Susanna, Count, Basilio Trio: “Cosa sento! Tosto andate” Sonata form, quick exchanges of individual emotions Listening Guide PDF

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Transition III: From Classicism to Romanticism “I am in the world for the purpose of composing. What I feel in my heart, I give to the world.” —Franz Schubert Schubert: “Gretchen am Spinnrade” Schubert: String Quintet

The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition