The UN Peacebuilding Commission The first seven years ( )
A brand new organ operationalized on 20 December 2005 by almost identical Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council First and only advisory subsidiary organ of both the Security Council and the General Assembly
Membership Organizational Committee: a) seven members of the Security Council, “including permanent members”, b) seven members elected by the Economic and Social Council, c) five top providers of assessed contributions to the UN and voluntary contributions to UN Funds, Programs and Agencies “selected by and among the ten top providers”, d) five top providers of military personnel and civilian police to UN missions, selected on the basis of the same rule, e) seven members elected by the General Assembly.
A slow start Selection of its members: Security Council: December 20, 2005… …General Assembly May17, 2006 First meeting Organizational Committee June 25, 2006 First meeting Country-specific October 12, 2006
Countries selected Burundi (July 2006) Sierra Leone (July 2006) Guinea Bissau (Dec. 2007) Central African Republic (May 2008) Liberia (Oct. 2010) Guinea (Feb. 2011)
Methodological approach Develop Instrument of Engagement with the country, through intensive and open consultations with: PBC Country-specific members, Government of the country concerned, the UN Country Team (UNCT), the donors, and the domestic civil society organizations (CSOs) Integrated Peacebuilding Strategy (IPBS) or Strategic Framework: describes the process of national reconciliation and post-conflict recovery and development; defines the mutual commitments between the Commission and the country concerned; sets dates and benchmark for tracking progress in its implementation.
Evaluation July 2010: five-year review (Ireland, Mexico, South Africa) Recommendations to make the PBC: - more relevant - more flexible - better performing - more empowered - better supported - more ambitious - better understood
A brighter future or else? Overall feeling of disappointment Expectations/fears in light of 2015 review Need for change to survive Danger of becoming obsolete