8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes), brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Ændr 2. linje i overskriften til AU Passata Light Introduction Fryshuset – a different way of ‘doing’ school Theoretical framework/preliminary empirical findings Summing up Further studies AGENDA
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes), brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Ændr 2. linje i overskriften til AU Passata Light ”I have never met a young person, who doesn’t want to learn – but I have met many who don’t want to be taught. It’s important to understand the difference, so you can find other ways for them to learn.” INTRODUCTION
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes), brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Ændr 2. linje i overskriften til AU Passata Light NGO, high school and lower secondary school Passionate interests and academic subjects juxtaposed Attracts pupils from both socioeconomically disadvantaged and more advantaged families 95 % qualified for highschool Outset: Pupils’ perspectives on possibilities for participation FRYSHUSET – A DIFFERENT WAY OF ‘DOING’ SCHOOL
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular THEORETICAL/ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Inspired by Holland & Lave (2009), Holzkamp (2013), and Kristensen & Mørck (2014) → Situated Learning and Critical Psychology Historical and material productions of persons in changing social practices Participation and social self-understanding
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular THEORETICAL/ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Outset in the learner’s perspectives Ontology: How we change and shape/are shaped into the persons, we are Subject and world → dialectical relationship Knowledge → ‘always socially, historically situated’
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular THEORETICAL/ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Participation-in-practice Social self-understanding and becoming MaterialityEmbodied mo(ve)ments
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular MO(VE)MENTS AND PASSIONS Meaningful, expansive mo(ve)ments (Mørck, 2014) Becoming more or less of a legitimate member (Lave & Wenger, 1991) Understanding oneself as a ‘capable learner’
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular MO(VE)MENTS AND PASSIONS “If it hadn’t been for the dancing, I wouldn’t have come to school at all. The dancing is what makes me enjoy coming to school…and I can attend all the other subjects as well”
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular MO(VE)MENTS AND PASSIONS Recognition and belonging From disengagement towards meaningfulness and engagement School activities in line with personal trajectories (Dreier, 1999)
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular BECOMING & SOCIAL SELF-UNDERSTANDING Social self-understanding → how we come to understand ourselves and are understood by other through participation-in-practice (Holzkamp, 2013) Research on marginalized youth point to the significance of social self-understanding in relation to learning and becoming-a-person (Kristensen & Mørck, 2014; Mørck, 2014) Collective, dialectical proces
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular BECOMING & SOCIAL SELF-UNDERSTANDING “In the 7th grade everything was everybody else’s fault, and in the 8th he was very introvert and kept to himself lying on the sofa [in the school] having realized that he himself was a part of it as well. Then, in the 9th grade he started working on himself, and he started to change. “It’s not about everybody else; I need to change as well”. He managed to graduate and moved on.”
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular MATERIALITY AND LEARNING Materiality of learning Settings with high degree of functionalism Social material arrangements Movement → engagement
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular MATERIALITY AND LEARNING Material and embodied dimensions Explore relations to more academic subjects What does it mean to be bodily engaged?
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular SUMMING UP Help us to understand how possibilities and limitations for learning are produced across changing practices in and out of school Alternative to functional approaches Explore how pupils learn in different context and under different conditions Learning part of contradictory, conflictual practices Access to participation – prerequisite of learning
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU Overskrift én linje Bold eller Regular FURTHER STUDIES Work jointly with teacher and pupils (9 th grade) Workshops – ‘becoming a member of Fryshuset’s communities’ Interviews Participant observation
8. SEPTEMBER 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITET AU For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes), brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Ændr 2. linje i overskriften til AU Passata Light Maj Sofie Rasmussen Ph.D.-fellow, dept. of education Aarhus University/VIA UC CONTACT