p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt1 MODULE 1.3: As-Is Activity Analysis
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt2 zEnsure that every agency can use a set of data collection forms to collect as-is information in preparation for July 1, 1999 and beyond. zProvide a systematic, consistent, and objective approach to MARS implementation for all agencies across the Commonwealth. Goals
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt3 Overview We will discuss: zThe Definition of “As-Is Analysis” zData Collection zTools Provided on the Course 1 Diskettes
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt4 Definition of As-Is Analysis What?Why?
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt5 zIt is the classification of administrative services functions in terms of: –Who performs them. –How much time is spent on them. –In which organizational unit they are performed. What Is an As-Is Analysis?
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt6 Why Is It Important? zIt will provide baseline information that will help your agency: –anticipate computer workstation and MARS usage requirements, –identify employee training needs for MARS, –establish the timing of MARS implementation, –identify opportunities for efficiencies, and –ensure appropriate coverage for future activities.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt7 Data Collection Tom Sue Staff Asst. Division Dir. Purchasing Division Admin. Support Dept.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt8 What Data Will Each Agency Collect? zAn Outline of Your Organizational Structure with: –Hierarchy of Divisions and Branches –Number of PFT’s per Division/Branch –Indication whether anyone in the unit performs Administrative Services functions zA Listing of Administrative Services employees by: –Organizational Unit –Class Code and Class Title –% of time spent on Administrative Services functions
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt9 zOrganizational Charts zDepartment and Division Heads zBranch Managers zPersonnel Administrators zPerformance Evaluations* Where Do I Get This Data? *This information should be used as a last resort, as the information may be outdated.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt10 Tools Provided ?
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt11 Tools on Course 1 Diskettes zDisk 2 –Guidebook 1.doc –Tools\Activities Dictionary.doc –Tools\Org_Template.xls zDisk 1 –Dept_Data.xls Personnel Data Worksheet Financial Mgmt. Activities Worksheet Materials Mgmt. Activities Worksheet Other Activities Worksheet Course 1 Disk 2 Course 1 Disk 1
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt12 Explanation of Tools
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt13 Disk 2: Guidebook 1.doc zStep-by-step instructions for each template zSample completed templates zAdministrative Services Activities Dictionary zSoftware Assistance Guide for Excel and Word zAgency Administrative Services Index
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt14 Administrative Services Activities Dictionary zA detailed listing of all Administrative Services activities, grouped into 3 general categories: –Financial Management –Materials Management –Cyclical or Support zProvides a helm-to-stern listing of activities with detailed descriptions and DOA forms reference. zYou may need to add agency-specific activities.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt15 Disk 2: Tools\Org_Template.xls A Microsoft Excel template that helps you: zPrepare a baseline assessment of agency structure and functions, zDocument the number of total PFT’s, and zIdentify administrative services activities within the organization.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt16 Example: Agency NameAdmin Services Personnel (PFTs) Activities Checklist FinancialMaterials Cyclical or Dept. Division Branch Authorized Filled UnfilledMgmtMgmt Support Step 1Step 2Step 3 Template Step 4: Save and submit. Guidebook, page 16.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt17 Step 1: Enter names of structural units. List the Departments, Divisions and Branches where administrative functions are performed. Use the appendices within the Guidebook as a reference.* *You may find it easier to list all organizational units within your department to ensure that nobody is missed. Families & ChildrenAdmin Services Personnel (PFTs) Activities Checklist FinancialMaterials Cyclical or Dept. Division Branch Authorized Filled UnfilledMgmtMgmt Support Office ofN/A N/A Program Support Financial N/A Mgmt
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt18 Step 2: Enter PFT data. Enter the numbers of PFT’s. For higher levels (e.g., Office of Program Support), include only those personnel who are not associated with any other level of the department. Families & ChildrenAdmin Services Personnel (PFTs) Activities Checklist FinancialMaterials Cyclical or Dept. Division Branch Authorized Filled UnfilledMgmtMgmt Support Office of N/AN/A Program Support FinancialN/A Mgmt
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt19 Step 3: Indicate administrative functions. Indicate the organizational levels where administrative functions are performed. For these levels, complete the Dept_Data.xls file. Families & ChildrenAdmin Services Personnel (PFTs) Activities Checklist FinancialMaterials Cyclical or Dept. Division Branch Authorized Filled UnfilledMgmtMgmt Support Office ofN/AN/A x x Program Support FinancialN/A x x Mgmt
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt20 Step 4: Save the file and submit it. zSave the file. –Include cabinet/constitutional office name in the filename. –Ex: F&C_Org_Template.xls, Justice_Org_Template.xls zSubmit the file by or on a disk to Gail Prewitt by September 14.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt21 Review of Procedure zStep 1: zStep 2: zStep 3: zStep 4: Enter names of structural units. Enter PFT data. Indicate administrative functions. Save the file and submit by... September 14!
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt22 Working Break
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt23 Disk 1: Dept_Data.xls Personnel Data Training* Fin. Mgmt. Activities Mat. Mgmt. Activities Other Activities Summary This file contains the remaining Microsoft Excel worksheets that you need for the As-Is Analysis. *To be discussed in Module 1.4.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt24 Dept_Data.xls: Personnel Data A Microsoft Excel worksheet that asks you to: zList the names of the Divisions and Branches from the Org_Template where Administrative Services functions are performed, and zUnder each organizational unit name, list the employees who perform the activities.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt25 Example Personnel Data Class ClassSocial Security Division Branch Last Name, First Name Code TitleNumber Guidebook, page 19.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt26 How to Collect the Data zAlternative 1: Manually complete the template, referring to the Org_Template.xls file. OR zAlternative 2: Get an ASCII file from the Personnel Cabinet, import the data and modify it.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt27 Alternative 1 Class Class Social Division Branch Last Name, First Name Code Title Security # Step 2Module 1.4Step 3 Step 4: Save the file. Personnel Data Step 1: Rename the file.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt28 Step 1: Rename Dept_Data.xls. For each Department in Org_Template.xls: zOpen Dept_Data.xls zSave the file using the names of your agency and the “department.” –F&C-Program Support_Data.xls –Justice-Office of Sec_Data.xls
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt29 Step 2: Enter the Division/Branch. FinancialN/A Mgmt Payments Enter all Divisions and Branches in which Administrative Services functions are performed. Class ClassSocial Security Division Branch Last Name, First Name Code TitleNumber
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt30 Step 3: Enter each employee’s name. Enter the Last Name and First Name of each employee who performs Administrative Services functions. Consult the Activities Dictionary as needed to determine whether an employee performs these activities. FinancialN/ASmith, John MgmtDoe, Jane Davis, Henry PaymentsThomas, Sue Roberts, Bill Class ClassSocial Security Division Branch Last Name, First Name Code TitleNumber
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt31 Step 4: Save the file. zSave the file. zRepeat Steps 1-4 for each Department in which Administrative Services functions are performed.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt32 Alternative 1: Review zStep 1: zStep 2: zStep 3: zStep 4: Rename Dept_Data.xls. Enter the Divisions and Branches. Enter employee names (Last, First). Save the file.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt33 Alternative 2 zStep 1: Contact Personnel Cabinet for ASCII file. –Commissioner Joan Walker, zStep 2: Import data to the Personnel Worksheet. zStep 3: Modify to include only A. S. employees. zStep 4: Save the file.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt34 Dept_Data.xls: Activities Worksheets Four Microsoft Excel worksheets that help you: zDescribe administrative services activities performed within the department, zIdentify employees that perform these administrative functions, and zDocument the amount of time that each employee commits to these activities.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt35 Division/ Branch/ Name Example: Steps 6&7: Validate and submit. Step 1: Review the Activities Dictionary. Step 2Step 4 Fin. Mgmt. Activities Mat. Mgmt. Activities Other Activities Summary 1099 Processing Accounting Subtotal FTE’sCost Allocation Develop/HandleReview Cost MaintainAuditor Allocation MethodologiesComplianceReports Add Activities Step 5: Step 3 Guidebook, page 22.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt36 Step 1: Review the Activities Dictionary. Guidebook zReview the Administrative Services Activities Dictionary in Appendix A of your Guidebook to become familiar with the categories and subcategories of activities.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt37 Step 2: Copy columns A, B & C from the Personnel Data sheet. Copy columns A, B and C (Division, Branch and Employee Name) from the Personnel Data Worksheet. FinancialN/ASmith, John MgmtDoe, Jane Davis, Henry PaymentsThomas, Sue Roberts, Bill Class ClassSocial Security Division Branch Last Name, First Name Code TitleNumber
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt38 Division/ Branch/ Name Payments Thomas, Sue0.0 Roberts, Bill0.0 Step 3: Paste columns A, B & C into the Financial Mgmt Activities sheet. Fin. Mgmt. Activities 1099 Processing Accounting Subtotal FTE’s Cost Allocation Paste columns A, B & C (Division, Branch, Employee Name) into the Financial Mgmt Activities sheet. Names will then automatically be copied into remaining sheets. Add Activities
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt39 Division/ Branch/ Name Payments Thomas, Sue Roberts, Bill Step 4: Map activities for employees. Fin. Mgmt. Activities 1099 Processing Accounting Subtotal FTE’s Cost Allocation DevelopHandle Review Cost MaintainAuditor Allocation Methodologies Compliance Reports Enter the portion of time employees spend on activities based on a scale of 0-1 (1=100% of an employee’s time). Include time spent on non-administrative functions. Add Activities
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt40 Division/ Branch/ Name Payments Thomas, Sue0.3 Roberts, Bill0.4 Step 5: Add agency-specific activities. Fin. Mgmt. Activities 1099 Processing Accounting Subtotal FTE’s Cost Allocation BlankBlank Blank Use the “Blank” cells to insert any agency-specific activities that are not otherwise listed. Be specific in naming the activity. Copy and insert new columns as needed. Add Activities
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt41 Division/ Branch/ Name Payments Thomas, Sue X Roberts, Bill Step 6: Validate results. Fin. Mgmt. Subtotal FTEs Cyclical/Support Subtotal FTEs Mat. Mgmt. Subtotal FTEs Move to the Activities Summary Worksheet. Check that all rows total 1.0, accounting for 100% of each employee’s time. Indicate if the employee uses KAPS or STARS. Non-Admin. Subtotal FTEs Total FTEs Activities Summary Uses KAPS Uses STARS
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt42 Step 7: Save the file and submit it. zSave the file using your department name: –F&C-Program Support_Data.xls –Justice-Office of Sec_Data.xls zSubmit 1 file per department by or on a disk to Gail Prewitt by October 15.
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt43 Review of Procedure zStep 1: zStep 2: zStep 3: zStep 4: zStep 5: zStep 6: zStep 7: Review the Activities Dictionary. Copy names from Personnel Data. Paste names into Financial Mgmt sheet. Map activities for each employee. Add agency-specific activities. Validate the results (each row = 1.0). Save the file and submit it by … October 15!
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt44 Summary zThe As-Is Analysis will facilitate implementation of MARS by helping you to identify opportunities and employee training needs. zDue Dates: –Org_Template: September 14 –Activities Worksheets: October 15
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt45 Questions & Answers ?
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt46 zWork in groups -- preferably with other members from your department or agency. zYou will have 30 minutes to complete the tasks. zYou will need: –Computer –Course 1 Disk 1: Dept_Data.xls –Course 1 Disk 2: Org_Template.xls –Course 1 manual: Module 1.3 Slides, Guidebook zAnswers will be provided at the end. Exercise
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt47 zPurpose: –To confirm that you are comfortable with all elements of the As-Is Analysis. zThis will not be handed in! zIt is “open book.” zYou will have 15 minutes to complete the test. zAnswers will be provided at the end. Proficiency Self-Test
p:\EMPOWER Ky on 'Agency 3'\Phaseiii\OrganizationDesign\Course1\Module1.3\Module1.3.ppt48 LUNCH!!!