1. One plate Currants (black, red or white) (maximum size of plate 7”)
2. One plate Raspberries (maximum size of plate 7”)
3. One plate Gooseberries (maximum size of plate 7”)
4. One plate any other soft fruit (maximum size of plate 7”)
5. Six Potatoes
6. Three Onions - Dressed
7. Six Onions from Sets
8. Three Carrots – with tops
9. Six Runner Beans
10. Six Kidney Beans
11. Nine Pods Peas
12. Six Tomatoes
13. Truss of Tomatoes (at least 25% ripe)
14. Three Beetroots – with tops
15. Two leeks – as grown but cleaned
16. One Cauliflower, with roots washed
Shallots - General
Shallots - Exhibition
19. One Cabbage – with roots washed
20. One Marrow – Any colour
21. One Cucumber
22. One Lettuce – any type
23. Three Parsnips
24. Three Courgettes
25. Any other Vegetable not listed above.
26. Collection of springs of fresh culinary herbs in one container (Exhibit not to exceed 12 inches)
27. Three Sticks of Rhubarb – with 4” of foliage