Analysis of Foreign Trade Information by Web
REGISTRATION Registration in ALICEWEB is simple and free. The future customer only needs to fill the registration form. The cases that will prevent a successful registration are: a) Choose a login already used by another user; b) Provide an that is not valid ( without c) Choose an already registered; d) Do not fill any of the obligatory fields. The system allows you to recover login and password.
REGISTRATION PAGE Clique para efetuar o cadastro.
SAMPLES OF REGISTERS NOT ACCEPTED Invalid Login already chosen by another user
FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? Click here to recover login and password. Fill the previously informed in your register.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE By using this option, the user will have access to various informations, described below: a) Variables for query (Merchandise, Country, Economic Bloc, Unity of Federation, Port and means of transportation); b) Research Modules: Exports 1996 to the present; Import 1996 to the present ; Exports from 1989 to 1996; Imports from 1989 to 1996; Trade Balance and Auxiliary Tables) c) Types of consulting: define queries and options of queries d) Available periods: ALICEWEB has its data updated monthly, with the new period uploaded between 5 and 10 business days after the end of the month.
“NEWS” AND “TALK TO US” PAGE Use this to forward doubts concerning ALICEWeb.
Ckich here to confirm changes.
QUERY BY MERCHANDISE Type a word of the merchandise or a code, to check the corresponding results.
Click at the code you want. The code will be automatically transported to the “Inicial” field.
SAMPLE MERCHANDISE QUERY Click here to check the results Pick up the period(s) you need
Choose the period you need This is a sample to check all the merchandise at once. Click here to check the results Select “Todas”, to see the occurrences in decreasing order of value.
GENERATE FILE AND/OR SEE THE OCCURRENCES Click here to see all the occurrences (in this case, all the goods). Click here to ask for a file to be generated. This file will be sent to the registered e- mail, in WinZip format.
SEE THE OCCURRENCES Total occurrences according to the selected parameters. The selected parameters are kept in display.
GENERATE FILE Pick up the format of the file to be generated: Excel or Txt.
QUERY WITH VARIOUS PERIODS SIMULTANEOUSLY Click here to check the results Choose the periods you need This is a sample to check all the destinations countries at once.
Click here to see all the occurrences (in this case, all the countries).
The selected parameters are kept in display.
QUERIES USING TWO VARIABLES In two variable queries, it’s obligatory that at least one variable have a parameter defined (in this case, the variable “País” (Country) is set at “Alemanha” (Germany). This is a sample to check all the goods exported to Germany (Alemanha), and also check what respective value of which one was shipped by a determined Brazilian Port Click here to check the results
Click here to see all the occurrences.
First variable: Mercadoria (“Goods”) Second variable: Port Second variable: Mercadoria (“Goods”) Second variable: Port
TRADE BALANCE The Trade Balance option allows the user to consult monthly results, having the following characteristics: a) Period from 1996 onwards; b) Allows checking exports and imports in the same query; c) It automatically calculates the trade balance and current trading; d) Contains US$ Fob information.
Click here to check the results
TABELAS AUXILIARES The "Auxiliary Tables" contains the following information useful to the user: a) Correlation NCM/NBM: to make the correlation between the NBM of 10 digits (in use until 1996) and NCM 8 digits (in use since then) and vice versa; b) Country: which demonstrates the economic blocks a particular country is party of; c) UF: Codes of units of the Federation. d) Porto: codes of ports; e) Vias de Transporte: codes of means of transportation; f) Economic Bloc - codes of the blocks.
Click here to check the results
Type the word or code of the merchandise you need, then click “Pesquisar”.
TECHNICAL DATA OF THE SYSTEM * Data base: ORACLE * Base size: 730 GB * Development software: VB-6, ASP, SQL-Plus, Java * Equipament: Compaq Tru64 (Risc) ligado em Cluster * Two servers: one for aplliance and connections two for generating files
ALICEWeb Team Phones: / 7271 / 7283