FEL and linac plans at MAX IV laboratory Francesca Curbis Accelerator Physics, Lund University MAX IV laboratory
Short Pulse Facility (SPF) Linear accelerator (ca 250 m long) The MAX IV project Short Pulse Facility (SPF) (Free Electron Laser) ? 1.5 GeV ring (96 m) Linear accelerator (ca 250 m long) 3 GeV Storage ring (528 m) F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
MAX IV accelerators Linac tunnel SPF hall F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Buildings Buildings BC2 & undulator hall Klystron tunnel MAX IV site July 2012 MAX IV site July 2012 F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day F.Curbis, Linac and FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013
MAV IV injector Photo cathode RF-gun (1.6 cell, Cu, UCLA-Radiabeam/Elettra type) SPF Thermionic RF-gun (BaO, MAX-lab type) Ring injection 39 S-band structures SLED Double-coupled (2 pcs/klystron) 100 Hz Double achromat Bunch compressors (”self linearising” with T566+ sextupoles for tuning): positive (fixed) R56, compression varied with RF phase F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Linac layout L2A L2B L3A L3B L0 L1A L1B Diagnostics BC1 260 MeV Photo cathode RF gun Extraction 1.5 GeV L4A L4B L7A L7B L8A Kicker & septum L8B Extraction 3 GeV SPF L18A L18B BC2 3000 MeV Diagnostics Kicker & septum F.Curbis, Linac and FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Two possible operation modes I ~ 3.5 kA high Ipeak -SPF low ɛ -FEL I ~ 18 kA (100 pC) Δt ~ 20 fs FWHM Δt ~ 10 fs FWHM ɛ ~ 0.45 mm mrad (slice) ɛ ~ 2.5 mm mrad dE/E ~ 0.25 % dE/E ~ 0.025 % FEL kick of, 24th of October 2012, Sara Thorin F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Background/ motivation Why a FEL in Lund? Many years of development in CHG, linac technology, RF guns, photocathodes & lasers, bunch compressors, MAX IV linac Swedish strong user community Agreement between MAX IV laboratory, Uppsala U, Stockholm U, SLU, FEL center Stockholm-Uppsala, Lund Laser Center for a X-ray FEL Steering committee Swedish scientific case F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Two scenarios for a FEL Keep energy 1 nm SPF beam Increase energy 1 Å Improved beam 10 m 28 m FemtoMAX “Quick” FEL 50 m 36 m “Full” FEL Presented by S. Werin at Workshop on the Science and Technology of 4th Generation Light Sources Based on Superconducting Technology, Stockholm , 26-27 November 2012 F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
The “quick” FEL 1D model estimate Full FEL 4.2 KeV (3 Å) FemtoMAX “Quick” FEL 50 m 36 m Full FEL 1D model estimate Emittance (norm) 0.5 mm mRad Peak current 2.5 kA Pulse length (FWHM) 20 fs Energy spread 2.5e-4 Energy 3.5 GeV 4.2 KeV (3 Å) 1.5 1011 ph/pulse 100 Hz Presented by S. Werin at Workshop on the Science and Technology of 4th Generation Light Sources Based on Superconducting Technology, Stockholm , 26-27 November 2012 F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
The “full” FEL Wavelength 2 Å Flux >1012 ph/pulse Presented by S. Werin at Workshop on the Science and Technology of 4th Generation Light Sources Based on Superconducting Technology, Stockholm , 26-27 November 2012 28 m FemtoMAX 50 m 36 m undulators seed taper beamline +1 GeV ~80 m ~75 m ~150 m Energy 4 GeV (g=7827) Energy spread (sE/E) 2*10-4 Emittance, norm 0.15 mm mRad Undulator period 16 mm Undulator K 1.6 Photon wavelength <3 Å Beta (average) 7 m Current, peak 3 kA Wavelength 2 Å Flux >1012 ph/pulse Peak power ~ 100 GW Stability by seeding Focus 1 um (beamline) Tapering F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Path to the “full” FEL Parameter space under investigation Start-to-end simulations being initiated Investigations on the RF gun, bunch compressors, FEL schemes (self seeding, tapering) Linac extension not defined (S-band? X-band?) F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013
Thanks for your attention F.Curbis, FEL plans at MAX IV laboratory ------ CLIC workshop, High gradient day 1/31/2013