22 nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014) Versailles, October 8-10 th 2014
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 2| 2 Welcome to RTNS 2014! RTNS is a very open conference with a great sense of community and a friendly atmosphere that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration 92 participants!
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 3| 3 Your welcome bag RTNS and JRWRTC proceedings: hard copies and on USB stick RTNS 2014 available on ACM’s Digital Library RTNS 2014 & JRWRTC: available on a private web site Links in the conference guide Maps, tourist guide of Versailles, etc. Macarons from Lenôtre (can be kept 4 days in a fridge) Jasmine flavor: favourite perfurme of Marie-Antoinette And other flavors …
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 4| 4 Faculty of Science: Fermat building Lecture hall J can be accessed from both the ground and first floors Coffee breaks and cocktail available on the ground floor At the first floor: small place with seats/tables for discussions Wifi access WIFI_UVSQ network Login: rtns2014 Password: CEA_Versailles Euduroam and Eduspot available Where are we?
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 5| 5 Germain building You can safely leave your belongings Buffet: help yourself! Where do we have lunch? We are here
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 6| 6 Guided tour of Royal Apartments and Hall of Mirrors (duration 1:30) French gardens (duration 1:00) Banquet at « Hotel de France » Apéritif at 19:00 and dinner at 20:00 What is the social event?
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 7| 7 Social event: how to get there? By foot: 31min walking distance By bus: line F 7 minutes ride but bus leaves at 15:22 (sharp) Get off at bus stop « Europe » Banquet within « Hotel de France » Apéritif at 19:00 and dinner at 20:00
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 8| 8 Tour guides from « Tourist Office of Versailles » Wearing a blue ribbon around their neck Appointment in front of the golden gate of the Palace of Versailles at 15:40 Social event: meeting point BE ON TIME!! Hotel de France First floor 5 rue Colbert
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre RTNS 2014 | 9| 9 Program overview Wednesday 8thThursday 9thFriday 10th 8:30 – 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 9:15 Registration 10:30 – 11:00 Coffe break 10:25 – 10:45 Coffe break 12:10 – 13:50 Lunch 11:55 – 13:30 Lunch 15:20 – 15:40 Coffe break15:00 – Social event15:50 – 16:00 Coffe break 16:50 – 17:20 Refreshment break 16:00 Awards! 18:25 – 20:30 Cocktail and JRWRTC (check your number)