Arcadia++, IT Personnel in St.Petersburg St.Peter market and Investors St.Peter IT market (people:”sources & customers”) Tendencies
Arcadia++, IT Personnel in St.Petersburg St.Peter market and Investors -Is attractive as in previous years: new -Toyota, IKEA, Siemens, Elcoteq, Nissan, Nokian Tyrers, etc… -The same is in IT sector: R&D centers of western companies- Motorola, Siemens, Sun, Intel, Alcatel, etc. -Increased personnel large companies like Star Software Labs, Luxoft, Bercut, Reksoft, Peterservice,…etc. -New start-up companies from Scandinavia, Germany -Russian IT products companies grow up too.
Arcadia++, St.Peter IT people:“sources & customers” ITpeople * SPB Universities Training centers IT companies& others Free-lacers Free - lancers Unemployed & St.Petersburg Other cities of Russia&CIS Free - lancers Unemployed & Foreigners * IT professionals, (by Jan.1st. 2006)
Arcadia++, St.Peter IT people: “sources”) SPB Universities; * Training centers IT Companies& others (employee turnover) (5%) Free-lancers (Spb); 300-??? Unemployed & Free-lancers (CIS); Unemployed & Free-lancers (West); Total persons in a year * Only 30% of graduates work on IT positions
Arcadia++, St.Peter IT people: “customers” R&D centers;Off-shore&western SW companies Russian SW&HW companies; in-house dev Other industries and sectors of economy Westerns countries (emigration) Other Russian cities & CIS (emigration) Education, science, culture Total IT personnel in St.Peter
Arcadia++, St.Peter IT market “tendencies” Number of IT companies Companies growth (15- 20%) Government support Westerns &CIS emigration “In-house” IT education “Technical” business environment Shortage of IT personnel Number of graduates Moving business into province Moving IT people to other industries Salaries
Arcadia++, IT Personnel in St.Petersburg Under construction ! 1.What to do? 2. Questions?- welcome!