Plagiarism - Don’t Do It Kirstie Hawkey originally written in 2003 when I was a PhD Student, Teaching Assistant, & Lecturer
Academic Integrity Quiz Individually Small Group
Don’t Do It In order not to “do it”, you need to know what it is. Go to Dalhousie’s Academic Integrity website ( 20Resources/) 20Resources/ Talk to our CS Librarian Gwendolyn McNairn if you have questions For each class, find out what level of collaboration is allowed
In-class exercise You Quote It, You Note It tutorial oteA/ oteA/
Do you REALLY understand? Don’t sign anything that says that you understand what plagiarism or academic integrity is unless you really do understand it Make it your first priority to really understand it emicIntegrity/ emicIntegrity/
Good Tutorial html html In-Class Activity Quiz
Don’t Do It We can catch you… we have the technology Google – a great way to find information, a great way to find where plagiarizers found information Your TA’s and professors are computer scientists with brains used to seeing patterns. Changing a few words or rearranging something rarely fools us.
Don’t Do It Dalhousie has subscribed to Currently evaluating replacements
It’s not just writing We can analyze your code and detect similarities Compiled code can be compared to the submissions of previous years. Rearranging functions and renaming variables and changing indentation doesn’t change the underlying structure – and that is what is compared.
Learn how to express yourself Demonstrate to your professor that you know the material Your ability to cut and paste is not what you will be marked on. A paper full of quotations says that you don’t understand it well enough to use your own words
Protect yourself Don’t let others see your written words. Keep collaboration with others at the concept level. Lock your computer when you leave it, even if just for a minute. Make sure you are aware what is being submitted on your behalf for group work.
Don’t Do It The faculty is making a strong effort to curb plagiarism. Don’t become the next person with an F in a course and a notation on their transcript of academic dishonesty for the sake of a better mark on a 4% assignment What seems like the easy way out at the time carries some heavy consequences
Don’t Do It Just don’t