Youth unemployment in Sweden and EU Sara Andersson, Labour market analyst Stockholm, April 25, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Youth unemployment in Sweden and EU Sara Andersson, Labour market analyst Stockholm, April 25, 2013

Introduction The unemployment rate among young adults (15-24 years) is by international comparison relatively high in Sweden but the share of long-term unemployed adolescents is rather low compared to many other EU- countries Young unemployed people (15-24 years) are a heterogeneous group Difficult to compare youth unemployment across countries because of significant differences in the institutional framework

Number of employed Seasonal adjusted Source: Statistics Sweden, Swedish Public Employment Service January 2005 – October 2012, forecast November 2012 – December 2014

Unemployment rate age 25 to Source: Eurostat

Youth (15-24 years) unemployment rate 2012 Source: Eurostat

Number of long-term unemployed under 25 years

Number of unemployed by one year classes, March 2013 Source: Swedish Public Employment Service

Number of unemployed under 25 years by level of education Seasonal adjusted Source: Swedish Public Employment Service

Source: Swedish Public Employment Service, Statistics Sweden Unemployment rates for different youth groups, March 2012 and March 2013

Youth unemployment rate by Municipality, March 2013

Objectives of the Public Employment Service's work with young people Our goal is that the young people who come to the Employment Service, with the help of our services and methods, as soon as possible will proceed to either work, training or education. Early identification of adolescents at risk of long-term unemployment. The work with each young unemployed must begin immediately.

Motivate young people to continue studying, particularly if final grades from primary or secondary school are missing. To strengthening our relationships with employer. Increase the labour market mobility of young people, both in terms of geographical mobility as well as professional mobility. Objectives of the Public Employment Service's work with young people

Number of employees years by occupation OccupationNumber Home-based personal care and related workers28827 Shop salespersons, non-food stores26655 Shop salespersons, food stores22970 Helpers in restaurants20112 Child-care workers15481 Assistant nurses and hospital ward assistants11268 Stock clerks and storekeepers9715 Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels and other establishments7316 Other office clerks7022 Carpenters and joiners6413 Heavy truck and lorry drivers5824 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders5816 Cashiers and ticket clerks5720 Attendants, psychiatric care5707 Manufacturing labourers5087 Building and related electricians4959 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters4815 Receptionists4677 Demonstrators and telephone salespersons4056 Other machine operators and assemblers3938 Mail carriers and sorting clerks3924 Cooks3779

Thank you for your attention!

Youth job programme years and been out of work for at least three months Intensified activities Opportunities to study while participating in the program.

Early support In-depth Assessment and Counselling Guidance Individual solutions Early program efforts

Education at folk high school The target group is young people under 25 with incomplete final grades from high school Full-time up to three months Preparatory and introductory courses

Young people with a functional impairment that means reduced working capacity Cooperation Support from the Employment Service Specialists Individual Recruitment Incentive (subsidies)

New Start Jobs – an opportunity for employment New Start Jobs is an opportunity for a young person to get a job Young people aged who have been unemployed at least 6 months All employers – both private and public – can get the support

Work with employers – other support for persons under 25 Entry Recruitment Incentive Workplace Induction Skill Development Work Experience Trial Opportunity Professional skills assessment and validation