Pay it Forward!! A presentation by Rev. Dr. Marj Pettinger and Dr. Margaret Clark
What do we Mean? by “Pay it Forward” Simply giving Back? Helping others because someone helped us? We’ve all heard the saying, “It is better to give than to receive.” It does feel good to help someone else in their journey.
Workshop Goals -page 1 of 2 As a result of this workshop, participants will: Be able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of various participants in the Education Process: From Basic to Advanced From Advanced to Specialist Certification From Specialist to Teaching Supervisory Certification.
Workshop Goals -page 2 of 2 As a result of this workshop, participants will : Know what is expected of them when asked to fill one of these roles. Have a greater understanding of and confidence in the standards of our profession.
I’d like to help! Someone Did it for Me! I’ve often heard those words Yet, they come with some hesitation.
What is the Hesitation? What Holds us Back? Too busy! Afraid the job might be beyond our capabilities. Someone else will do it.
Let’s Address those Hesitations! To identify realistic time commitments To alleviate some of the fears To eliminate some of the obstacles To invite involvement
How do We Do That? … Key Understanding Can be the…
So, we’ve agreed to Say “Yes”. What does it mean? And… What’s Next?
Most Professional Associations are Voluntary in Nature!
As a Professional Association CASC/ACSS Counts on our Members to Volunteer In a Number of Ways Nationally Regionally Executive and Board Commissions Committees Historian Appeals Adjudicator Regional Officers Admitting Chair Professional Practice Chair Ethics Committee Chair Other: Specific
So, what can I do? One approach is to Think Nationally…and…Act Regionally Regional Office Admitting Committee Professional Practice Committee Ethics Committee Other Region Specific Committee or Task Group
So, what can I do? Another approach is to Think Regionally…and…Act Nationally Leadership OR Professional Practice Commission (PPC) Chair OR Education Standards Commission (ESC) Chair OR Ethics Committee Chair PPC Committee Chair Pastoral Counsellors Peer Reviews Standards Revision ESC Committee Chair Accreditation Certification Academic Assessment Standards Revision
What’s next? What will your approach be? What kind of time will it take? What is the scope of responsibility? Do I understand and feel competent to take on the role? (Remember! Someone is relying on you!)
Education Standards There are Three main Stages in The Education Process within CASC/ACSS. Let’s look at those.
Volunteers Involved Basic to Advanced Consultant - Ch 2. Section II Guidelines for Consultant – 7.2 a-fCh 2. Section II Guidelines for Consultant – 7.2 a-f
Volunteers Involved Advanced to Specialist Pre-Certification Mentor – What’s New…Role of Pre- Certification MentorWhat’s New…Role of Pre- Certification Mentor Verifier- Step One Process – Step One and Role of VerifierStep One and Role of Verifier Review Team –Step Two and Step Three Processes – Role of Review Team MembersStep Two and Step Three Processes – Role of Review Team Members
Volunteers Involved Specialist to Teaching Supervisor Step One- Verifier (Same As for Specialist) Step Two and Step Three- Review Team Members (Same as for Specialist )
Volunteers Involved Supervisors Seeking Specialist Certification Consultant: Role of the ConsultantRole of the Consultant
Now let’s talk…
Let’s Get Together And Pay it Forward!!!!
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. William James