Líderes: Prof. Dr. Edgar Dutra Zanotto- Profª. Drª. Ana Cândida M. Rodrigues - Prof. Dr. Oscar Peitl – CCET – Laboratório de Materiais Vítreos - LaMaV Branco 100μm AISI 1040 steel BRANCO 100μm a) b)b) The Vitreous Materials Laboratory (LaMaV) started in 1977 and has now a comprehensive set of glass testing equipment and experienced personal. Numerous testing and development work have been carried out for other universities and companies dealing with glass, ceramics, metallurgical and optical industries. Post-Doctoral Fellows: Clever R. Chinaglia; Jefferson Tsuchida; Murilo C. Crovace. PhD Students: Alisson M.. Rodrigues; Caio B. Bragatto; Daniel R. Cassar; Gisele G. dos Santos; Leonardo Sant´Ana Gallo; Mariana O. C. Villas Bôas; Marina T. Souza; Renato L. Siqueira. MSc Students: Adriana M.. N. Muñoz; Jairo F. O. Mosquera and Yuri Ribeiro. Internship Students: Bruno Fernandes; Camila P. Matheus; Carlos E. de Meo; Carolina I. Pereira; Gabriel B. de Souza; Gabriel T. Tayama; Guilherme R. T. Wolf; Igor R. F. de Jesus; Isabella S.S.Teles; Leonardo B. Consonni; Lucas H. Pitaluga; Marianna M. Lima; Norma M. P. Machado; Rafael P. dos Santos; Rean Toniazzo; Rogério Z. Pompermayer; Victor G. de Oliveira M. Nicola. Technician: José Rodrigues da Silva. Administrative Assistant: Laurie Elizeti Alexandre Leonardo. EQUIPMENT 5 Melting furnaces (1650 o C) Several Platinum crucibles Several molds and working tools 14 Heat treatment furnaces (1100 o C) Glass cutting and polishing equipament 2 Abbe refractometers 1 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer 1 UV-VIS spectrometer 1 Dilatometer (1500 o C) 6 Optical microscopes 1 Optical bench with microhardness tester 1 Viscometer for: 2 < Lof( ) < 5[Pas] (1600 o C) 1 Viscometer for: 6 < Lof( ) <12[Pas] (1050 o C) 1 Viscometer for: 5 < Lof( ) < 8[Pas] (1050oC) 2 Hot stage microscopes (1500 o C) 1 Differential scanning calorimeter (1500 o C) 1 Densitometer 1 Scanning electron microscope 1 X-ray diffractometer RECENT PUBLICATIONS CABRAL, A.A.; FERREIRA, E.B.; VILLAS-BOAS, M.O.C.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; "On the Determination of the Concentration of Crystal Nuclei in Glasses by DSC", Journal American Ceramic Society, v.96 (9), p , DESIMONE, D.; LI, W.; ROETHER, J.A.; SCHUBERT D.W.; CROVACE, M.C.; RODRIGUES, A.C.M.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; BOCCACCINI, A.; "Biosilicate R –gelatine bone scaffolds by the foam replica technique: development and characterization", Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, v.14, p.1-12, KJELDSEN, J.; YUE; BRAGATTO, C.B.; RODRIGUES, A.C.M.; "Electronic conductivity of vanadium-tellurite glass-ceramics", Journal of Non- Crystalline Solids, v.378, p , RODRIGUES, A.M.; NARVAÉZ-SEMANATE, J.L.; CABRAL, A.A.; RODRIGUES, A.C.M.; "Determination of Crystallization Kinetics Parameters of a Glass by Differential Scanning Calorimetry Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 (LAGP)“, Materials Research, v.16(4), p , DYAMANT, I.; ABYZOV, A.S.; FOKIN, V.M.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; LUMEAU, J.; GLEBOVA, L.N.; GLEBOV, L.B.; "Crystal nucleation and growth kinetics of NaF in photo-thermo-refractive glass", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v.378, p , PINTO, K.N.Z.; TIM, C.R.; CROVACE, M.C.; MATSUMOTO, M.A.; PARIZOTTO, N.A.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; PEITL, O.; RENNÓ, A.C.M.; "Effects of biosilicate(®) scaffolds and low-level laser therapy on the process of bone healing", Photomedicine and laser surgery, v.31 (6) p , ZANOTTO, E.D.; "Glass Crystallization Research- A 36- Year Retrospective- Pat. II, Methods of study and Glass- Ceramics", International Journal of Glass Applied Science, p 1-8, ZANOTTO, E.D.; "Glass Crystallization Research- A 36- Year Retrospective- Pat. I, Fundamental Studies", International Journal of Glass Applied Science, p 1-12, SOARES, V.O.; PEITL, P.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; "New Sintered Li2O–Al2O3–SiO2 Ultra-Low Expansion Glass-Ceramic", Journal American Ceramic Society, v.96 (4), p , RENNO, A.C.M.; NEJADNIK, M.R.; van de WATERING, F.C.J.; CROVACE, M.C.; ZANOTTO, E.D., HOEFNAGELS, J.P.M.; WOLKE, J.G.C.; Van den BEUCKEN, J.J.J.P; "Incorporation of bioactive glass in calcium phosphate cement: Material characterization and in vitro degradation", Journal Biomed Materials Research - Part A, v.0 p , RENNO, A.C.M.; Van de WATERING, F.C.J.; NEJADNIK, M.R.; CROVACE, M.C.; ZANOTTO, E.D.; WOLKE, J.G.C.; JANSEN, J.A.; Van den BEUCKEN, J.J.J.P.,"Incorporation of bioactive glass in calcium phosphate cement: An evaluation", Acta Biomaterialia, v. 9, p , FOKIN, V.M.; REIS, R.M.C.V.; ABYZOV, A.S.; CHINAGLIA, C.R.; ZANOTTO, E.D., "Nonstoichiometric crystallization of lithium metasilicate–calcium metasilicateglasses. Part 1 - Crystal nucleation and growth rates", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 362, p , RESEARCH LINES Crystal nucleation and growth in glasses Glass-ceramics development Bioglasses and bioglassceramics Thermomechanical and rheological properties of glasses Ionic conduction in glasses New glasses SERVICES OFFERED TO INDUSTRIES Physical properties testing Property search and calculations Development of new glasses and glass-ceramics Short courses on glass Patent and literature search INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS and CLIENTS Darvas-Equipamentos Eletro-Médicos: heat absorbing glass Astra-Brasil: chemical toughening of borosilicate Nadir Figueiredo Ind. E Com. S. A.: reformulation of stone- ware Corning Inc.: market survey of advanced ceramics Companhia Vale do Rio Doce: market survey of quartz powd Tigrefibras: asbestos replacement in fiber-cement products Cecrisa: reformulation of cordierite ceramics Brastemp: development of ceramic insulators Pireli Fibras Ópticas: development of silica glass via sol-gel Cia. Vidraria Santa Marina: chemical thoughning of soda-lime Usiminas: glass-ceramics from slags Wheaton: impact properties of glass CBPM: use of nepheline in soda-lime-silica glass DVB – Vidros Temperados: fracture of tempered glass Spall: development of a ceramic reformulation software Alcoa: alternative raw materials for glass making UBV: short courses and defects in plate glass Optigtrate (USA): crystallization of PTR glass St-Gobain (France): method for fast liquidus determination INTERNATIONAL PRIZES “Foster Research Prize in Glass Technology” (1982) – The University of Sheffield Senate, UK. “Zachariasen Award” (1990) – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, for a series of articles published between , Holland. “Vittorio Gottardi Prize” (1993) – International Commission on Glass, Belgium. “TWAS Prize in Engineering Sciences” (2010) – TWAS, Italy “George W. Morey Award” (2012) Am. Cer. Soc., USA VI Workshop de Grupos de Pesquisa da UFSCar