Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves St Patrick’s Day SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves
How much do you know about this day?
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz St Patrick is the Patron Saint of __________. 1. Ireland 2. the USA 3. the UK
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz The colour associated with St Patrick’s Day is _____. 1. blue 2. green 3. yellow
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves St Patrick’s Day Quiz St Patrick’s day is celebrated on ____, the day he died. 1. June, May, March,17
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz The first St Patrick’s parade took place in _____ in Ireland and England 2. the USA 3. England
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz Nowadays St Patrick’s festival lasts _____ day 2. 3 days 3. 5 days
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz Corned beef, _____ are some of the foods eaten this day. 1. bacon and lettuce 2. bacon and cabbage 3. chicken and potatoes
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle St Patrick’s Day Quiz A ________ is known as a symbol of Ireland, with St Patrick having used it as a metaphor for the Christian Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 1. shamrock 2. a green hat 3. a pot of gold
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves punk hairstyle social outcast St Patrick’s Day Quiz Today when people think of St Patrick, they imagine a ___________ in a green jacket, hat, pipe, a shamrock and a pot of gold. 1. dwarf 2. giant 3. leprechaun
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves self conscious social outcast Luck o’ the Leprechaun He looks like an old man and stands at around two feet tall. Dressed in head-to-toe green, he has a pair of pointy ears and carries a big stick called a shillelagh, which he uses to scare anyone who tries to steal his gold. He is very lucky – he finds the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. The St Patrick’s Day leprechaun is an Irish fairy.
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves weight conscious self conscious body image punk hairstyle shaved head lonely/alone 1.______ million people take part in St.Patrick’s festival in Dublin every year. 2.Patrick was a slave for ___ years. 3.He studied ___ years in a monastery. 4.When he was ___ years old he became a slave. 5.He worked ___ years in Ireland establishing monasteries, schools and churches. Can you guess the correct numbers? Before reading St Patrick’s Day: history 10 * 16 * 60 * 6 * 12 * 30 * 13 * 1
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves self conscious body image Reading about St Patrick’s Open your book on page 166 and find out more about this tradition…
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves weight conscious self conscious body image punk hairstyle shaved head lonely/alone 1.___ million people take part in St.Patrick’s festival in Dublin every year. 2.Patrick was a slave for ___ years. 3.He studied ___ years in a monastery. 4.When he was ___ years old he became a slave. 5.He worked ___ years in Ireland establishing monasteries, schools and churches. 1 Can you guess the correct numbers? Before reading St Patrick’s Day: history 10 * 16 * 60 * 6 * 12 * 30 * 13 *
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves body image punk hairstyle shaved head lonely/alone social outcast Video about St Patrick’s
Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves self conscious body image lonely/alone Order the following sentences. After watching a)He was arrested several times, but he escaped each arrest. b)The original colour associated with St Patrick was blue not green. c)When he was a slave, he heard a voice encouraging him to leave. d)He became a bishop. e)St Patrick’s real name was Maewyn Succat. f)Some myths: raising people from the dead and driving snakes out of Ireland. g)He was very successful at converting pagans to Christianity