SLA Information Technology Division 2014 Business Meeting 12:oo-1pm ET, June 27, 2014
AGENDA Call to Order; Approval of Agenda and 2013 Minutes Officer Introductions Recognition of 2014 Sponsors Gold: Springer, ProQuest Dialog Silver: IEEE Bronze: Elsevier Recognition of Award Winners Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award- Catharine Lavallee-Welch Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: SLA Europe Joe Ann Clifton Student Award: Sebastian Ferrari Officer Reports Chair (Libby Trudell) Chair-Elect (Kan Kin) Past-Chair (Alex Grigg) Treasurer (Leoma Dunn) Conference Planner Reports and Conference Highlights Vancouver (Adrienne Smith): Boston (Nancy Kellett): New Business Announcements Highlights of award-winning paper: “The State of Information Visualization in Academic Libraries” – Sebastian Ferrari Adjournment
Minutes of the 2013 Business Meeting
IT Board Members in Vancouver Terry Buckner, Judy Matthews, Ruth Kneale, Alex Grigg, Leoma Dunn, Henry Mensch, Jason Keinsley Libby Trudell, Kan Kin, Chrissy Geluk
AGENDA Call to Order; Approval of Agenda and 2013 Minutes Officer Introductions Recognition of 2014 Sponsors Gold: Springer, ProQuest Dialog Silver: IEEE Bronze: Elsevier Recognition of Award Winners Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award- Catharine Lavallee-Welch Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: SLA Europe Joe Ann Clifton Student Award: Sebastian Ferrari Officer Reports Chair (Libby Trudell) Chair-Elect (Kan Kin) Past-Chair (Alex Grigg) Treasurer (Leoma Dunn) Conference Planner Reportsand Conference Highlights Vancouver (Adrienne Smith): Boston (Nancy Kellett): New Business Announcements Highlights of award-winning paper: “The State of Information Visualization in Academic Libraries” – Sebastian Ferrari Adjournment
Thank You to our Sponsors! Gold Sponsor
Thank You to our Sponsors! Springer Gold Sponsor
Thank You to our Sponsors! Silver Sponsor
Thank You to our Sponsors! Bronze Sponsor
AGENDA Call to Order; Approval of Agenda and 2013 Minutes Officer Introductions Recognition of 2014 Sponsors Gold: Springer, ProQuest Dialog Silver: IEEE Bronze: Elsevier Recognition of Award Winners Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award- Catharine Lavallee-Welch Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: SLA Europe Joe Ann Clifton Student Award: Sebastian Ferrari Officer Reports Chair (Libby Trudell) Chair-Elect (Kan Kin) Past-Chair (Alex Grigg) Treasurer (Leoma Dunn) Conference Planner Reports and Conference Highlights Vancouver (Adrienne Smith): Boston (Nancy Kellett): New Business Announcements Highlights of award-winning paper: “The State of Information Visualization in Academic Libraries” – Sebastian Ferrari Adjournment
Celebrating our Award Winners! IT Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: Accepted by Sam Wiggins and Meghan Jones
Celebrating our Award Winners! Sebastian Ferrari University of Michigan School of Information IT Outstanding Student Paper Award:
Celebrating our Award Winners! Catharine Lavallée-Welch University of Wisconsin-La Crosse IT Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award:
AGENDA Call to Order, Approval of Agenda and 2013 Minutes Officer Introductions Recognition of 2014 Sponsors Gold: Springer, ProQuest Dialog Silver: IEEE Bronze: Elsevier Recognition of Award Winners Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award- Catharine Lavallee-Welch Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: SLA Europe Joe Ann Clifton Student Award: Sebastian Ferrari Officer Reports Chair (Libby Trudell) Chair-Elect (Kan Kin) Past-Chair (Alex Grigg) Treasurer (Leoma Dunn) Conference Planner Reports and Conference highlights Vancouver (Adrienne Smith): Boston (Nancy Kellett): New Business Announcements Highlights of award-winning paper: “The State of Information Visualization in Academic Libraries” – Sebastian Ferrari Adjournment
The IT Division: Who We Are The IT Division is a community which helps members share and enhance their knowledge about use of technology to deliver a wide spectrum of information services, and to communicate effectively. The focus is on the ways in which existing and emerging technologies can be applied to improve usability, cost effectiveness and value of information services to users including: Website design, development, content and usability (supported by the Webmaster Committee and Web Management Section) Use of social media and other internet capabilities to communicate effectively with the client community and improve the user experience for information access, use and collaboration (supported by Social Media Committee and the Communications & Social Media Section) Use of technology to support library systems, digital collection and content management, online research, data analysis and delivery of many other information services (supported by the Information Systems and Technical Services Sections)
The IT Division: How We Will Grow As technology is constantly changing, the IT Division must continuously evolve to reflect and incorporate the newest technologies and media that support the storage, discovery, analysis delivery and communication of information and knowledge. Our communications and programs must encourage members to identify, experiment with and report on emerging technologies which may provide new information service capabilities in the future. Because effective use of technology cuts across all SLA functions and disciplines, the IT Division will collaborate with other SLA units to carry out programs and initiatives which address the intersection of technology with the satisfaction of information needs of all kinds. Through such collaboration, IT can provide a technology backbone and be a resource for the entire Association.
Conference Highlights: Dance Party!
AGENDA Call to Order, Approval of Agenda and 2013 Minutes Officer Introductions Recognition of 2014 Sponsors Gold: Springer, ProQuest Dialog Silver: IEEE Bronze: Elsevier Recognition of Award Winners Grieg Aspnes Outstanding Member Award- Catharine Lavallee-Welch Outstanding Chapter Technology Programming Award: SLA Europe Joe Ann Clifton Student Award: Sebastian Ferrari Officer Reports Chair (Libby Trudell) Chair-Elect (Kan Kin) Past-Chair (Alex Grigg) Treasurer (Leoma Dunn) Conference Planner Reports and Conference highlights Vancouver (Adrienne Smith): Boston (Nancy Kellett): New Business Announcements Highlights of award-winning paper: “The State of Information Visualization in Academic Libraries” – Sebastian Ferrari Adjournment