The Loving Hands of God from the Letters of St. Paul of the Cross
I told him to place himself into the hands of God and not to fear St. Paul of the Cross to Bishop Gattinara, 11 th March 1721
If God wishes me to get sick I will put myself into the hands of doctors, but even more so into the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Agnes Grazi, 28 th June 1739
Let us abandon the business into the hands of God who knows the great need in this region St. Paul of the Cross to Cardinal Lawrence Altieri, 9 th March 1732
Let us put it in the hands of God and let him act for all will come out well St. Paul of the Cross to Fr. Thomas Mary Struzzieri, C.P., 25 th March 1749
Oh how much I recommend to you deep resignation and total abandon into the hands of God by often making acts: May your will be done St. Paul of the Cross to Vincent Bertolotti, 4 th February 1755
Abandon yourself with great steadiness and without reserve into the hands of God so that he can do with you what he pleases St. Paul of the Cross to Agnes Grazi, 22 nd October 1740
I am writing to Father Thomas … so that he can be careful to accept from the merciful hands of God whatever comes St. Paul of the Cross to Bishop Fabrizio Borgia, 17 th February 1748
I do not know where to turn. I will do what I can. I have put things into the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Fr. Fulgentius Pastorelli, C.P., 9 th November 1748
So place yourself in the hands of God and all abandoned in him as a ship without oars or sails St. Paul of the Cross to Agnes Grazi, 29 th July 1739
Abandon your soul into the hands of God and you will see the marvels that His Divine Majesty will work in it St. Paul of the Cross to Anna Maria Calcagini, 21 st December 1768
Concerning the fears you express. I give my poor opinion. Place yourself entirely in the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Generoso Petrarca, 2 nd February 1762
Place yourself in the hands of God, abandon yourself entirely to him so that in everything and through everything his Holy Will may be done St. Paul of the Cross to Maria Angela Cencelli, 31 st July 1762
Make frequent acts of abandonment into the hands of God. St. Paul of the Cross to a Religious Sister, 15 th May 1760
I have put everything into the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Fr. Fulgentius Pastorelli, C.P., 9 th November 1748
We have abandoned everything into the hands of God so that he will dispose what will be done for his glory St. Paul of the Cross to Reverend James Grazzi, 19 th November 1740
Abandon all into the hands of God and wait in peace for whatever happens St. Paul of the Cross to Clare Giannuzzi De Rossi, 11 th April 1770
May the Lord help with his grace so that whether in life or in death he be resigned to his Divine Will and abandon himself as a true son of the Passion into the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Fr. John Mary Cioni, C.P., 18 th April 1772
To give you news of myself, at present I am doing better. I am getting up for an hour each day. I have little strength and my head is not clear. I am already in the hands of God, who does with me what he wishes St. Paul of the Cross to Thomas Fossi, 11 th April 1772
Place everything in the hands of God for that is the best way St. Paul of the Cross to Thomas Fossi, 17 th November 1764
Now and also in the past I put the cause in the hands of God and of Mary Most Holy St. Paul of the Cross to Bishop Joachim Oldo, 26 th April 1749
Oh how the soul pleases me who walks in pure faith in which they abandon themselves into the hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Agnes Grazi, 9 th August 1736
Be strong and constant in all the assaults … which seek to rob your soul from the hands of God to whom you are consecrated St. Paul of the Cross to Francis Appiani, 23 rd March 1736
Let yourself be entirely abandoned in the loving hands of God St. Paul of the Cross to Francis Appiani, 7 th July 1741
The Loving Hands of God from the Letters of St. Paul of the Cross