Presented by : Asma Khanum DA PUBLIC SCHOOL SEAVIEW O/A LEVELS July 2010
Montessori System Introduction Introduced by an Italian physician Dr. Maria Monetessori. A childs mind is Absorbent.
Montessori Directress Monestessori Directress is NOT a teacher. The Directress directs the childs energy into constructive activities. Is trained to recognize periods of readiness. Is the custodian of environment. Child is the most important person in the environment.
Three Fold Preparation of Directress Physical Preparation Intellectual Preparation Spiritual Preparation
Dealing with different Children Children are different in all aspects Dealing with children is categorized in to the following Confident and friendly children Shy and quite children Hyper and pampered children
Confident and Friendly Children Behavior of a child Confident Interested in all activities Friendly with class fellow and Directress Grabs a lot of attention. How a Directress should handle them. Should treat her students equally. Should not praise only one student a lot.
Shy and Quite Children Behavior Take more time to settle in class Less willingness Take more time in activities Weakness in conversation How a Directress should handle them Directress should figure out the reason of shyness Encourage them more.
Hyper and Pampered Children Behavior Super active by nature Think themselves as royal individuals Want full attention Bully class fellow Want special treatment How a Directress should handle them Talk to the parents A child follow a routine in class environment
A Comparison of Teaching Conventional Montessori Emphasis on grades, merits Children grouped with age Children grouped for desk lessons One subject at a time Class schedules More interruptions Teacher CORRECTS pupils ERRORS Self – humanization for motivation Non – graded Freedom of Environment Self – paced Curriculum Longer time permits more concentration Relatively few interruptions The Directress GUIDES her students
Different Activities in Conducted our School
Different Activities in Conducted our School RED DAY
Different Activities in Conducted our School EARTH DAY
Different Activities in Conducted our School CAP DAY
Different Activities in Conducted our School YELLOW FRUIT DAY
Different Activities in Conducted our School VISIT TO THE ZOO
Different Activities in Conducted our School SPRING FESTIVAL
Different Activities in Conducted our School SPRING FESTIVAL