COACHES MEETING Boston College Compliance Office End of Year Meeting April 28, 2009
TODAYS TOPICS Recruiting Paperwork Summer Recruiting Reminders Financial Aid Paperwork Team Roster Camps and Clinics Coaches Certification Exam Playing and Practice
RECRUITING PAPERWORK Make sure you are caught up on the following recruiting paperwork: Monthly Telephone Logs Monthly Contact and Evaluation Logs Monthly Unofficial Visit Logs OV Prospect Instruction Forms OV Student Host Instruction Forms
SUMMER RECRUITING REMINDERS Time Period for Off-Campus Contacts – General Rule -- Off-campus recruiting contact shall not be made with an individual or his/her relatives or legal guardians before July 1 st following his/her completion of their junior year of high school. Sports Other than Football and Basketball – each institution is limited to seven recruiting opportunities (contacts and evaluations combined) per prospect. During the senior year of high school, not more than three may be in-person, off-campus contacts. Football – each institution shall be limited to six, in-person, off-campus contacts per prospect. Mens Basketball – during the academic year, each institution is limited to seven recruiting opportunities (contacts and evaluations combined) per prospect, however during the prospects senior year of high school, not more than three may be in-person, off-campus contacts. Staff members shall be limited to 130 recruiting-person days during the academic year. Womens Basketball – during the academic year, each institution is limited to five recruiting opportunities (contacts and evaluations combined) per prospect, however during the prospects senior year of high school, not more than three may be in-person, off-campus contacts. Staff members shall be limited to 100 recruiting-person days during the academic year.
SUMMER RECRUITING REMINDERS Counting Contacts and Evaluations – Evaluations that occur during the academic year count against the permissible number of recruiting opportunities. Outside the academic year, evaluations do not count against the annual number of recruiting opportunities. Contacts that occur with a prospect count against the permissible number of total recruiting opportunities regardless of the time period (e.g., academic year or outside the academic year). All contacts and evaluations are subject to the recruiting calendar restrictions. The following sports have specific legislation regarding evaluations: Football – Bylaws ; Mens Basketball – Bylaws ; (a) Womens Basketball – Bylaws ; (b) Softball – Bylaw Womens Volleyball – Bylaw
SUMMER RECRUITING REMINDERS Time Period for Telephone Calls – General Rule -- Telephone calls to an individual (or the individuals relatives or legal guardians) may not be made before July 1 st following the completion of their junior year of high school. Thereafter, staff members shall not make such telephone calls more than once per week The following sports have exceptions to this rule, please see the bylaw listed for further details: Football – Bylaw Mens Basketball – Bylaw Womens Basketball – Bylaw Mens Ice Hockey – Bylaw Womens Ice Hockey – Bylaw Once an institution reaches the applicable limit on telephone calls to a prospect (or their relatives or legal guardians) for a particular time period (e.g., one per month, one per week, two per week), the institution may not initiate an additional call during the same time period, even if no direct conversation occurs (e.g., voic ). Off-Campus Exception – Institutional staff members may make unlimited telephone calls to a prospect on the day of a permissible, in-person, off-campus contact occurs.
FINANCIAL AID PAPERWORK Scholarship Contracts Contracts were delivered on Friday It is your responsibility to get the contracts to your student-athletes for signatures Please return entire team instead of one at a time Scholarships will not be posted until a signed contract is returned to the Compliance Office 2009 Summer Session Contracts Student-athletes that will be attending summer school must come to the Compliance Office to sign their contract and receive stipend checks (if applicable) The Compliance Office will notify you when the checks and contracts are ready for each summer session
TEAM ROSTER Incoming Prospective Student-Athletes Please keep your list of flagged prospects up to date and accurate Stay on top of your prospect initial eligibility and amateurism status. We rely on you to the prospects communicate what is missing. Returning Student-Athletes A current roster will be handed out to you today Scratch out the names of student-athletes that will not be returning to your team and submit to Aaron
CAMPS AND CLINICS Institutional Camps and Clinics Be sure to submit ALL necessary paperwork prior to and following your camps and clinics this summer Forms can be found at: compliance-coaches.html Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics These are camps that you are working but not running. Must submit a Camp Description Form as well as a copy of the brochure for the camp.
COACHES RECRUITING EXAM Exam is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3 rd at 10:00am in the CTRC Please make every effort possible to attend Make–up dates have not been set A review session for the exam will be held on Tuesday, May 12 th at 10:00am
PLAYING AND PRACTICE Please turn in your April and May (if applicable) CARA forms. Contact Aaron to set up your teams compliance meeting in the fall Please designate your playing calendar (in-season vs. out-of-season designation). You will receive an today with the forms.