Main target groups for dissemination : 1.Teachers and training organisations 2.Center for Economic Development, Transport and Enviroment 3.Business advisors 4.Rural tourism associations 5.Media 6.Networks and associations of women entrepreneurs 7.Other projects
DISSAMINATIONA RESULTS The WERT learning and teaching material has been introduced to all teachers of Ylä-Savo Vocational College (YSAO). The material is in the Moodle of YSAO and teachers can use it as part of the entrepreneurship trainig. 3 other VET organisations have been interested to use the WERT material. WERT material is going to be used in 2 starting entrepreneurship projects: Lomamaa Savo (development of international marketing of rural tourist businessess) and Y-Top,developing a new learning enviroment for entrepreneurship teaching
1.Teachers and training organisations The WERT learning and teaching material has been introduced to all teachers of Ylä-Savo Vocational College (YSAO). The material is in the Moodle of YSAO. Savon aikuis- ja ammattiopisto (Savo Consortium of Education Savonia University of Applied Sciences Vaasan aikuiskoulutuskeskus, Vaasa Adult education center
2. Business advisors and advisory centres Ylä-Savo Development Company Kuopion seudun yrityspalvelu Pro Agaria agricultural expert organisation Maa ja kotitalousnaiset Rural Women's Advisory Organisation