∂ Disability Support
∂ Disability Support is a service for disabled students – based in the Palatine Centre Supports students who have: –a recognised disability –a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) –a medical condition –a mental health problem which impacts upon their ability to participate fully in university life.
∂ Disability Support Advice and Support from qualified Disability Advisers, including: - Advice on applying for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA) - Appropriate assessment of student support needs - A report, detailing how departments and colleges can facilitate learning and teaching for students
∂ Contact Us Durham CampusQueen’s Campus Palatine Centre Stockton Road Durham DH1 3LE United Kingdom Telephone +44(0) Holliday Building, Queen's Campus University Boulevard Thornaby Stockton-on-Tees TS17 6BH United Kingdom Telephone +44(0)
∂ Counselling Service
∂ The counselling service aims to provide students with therapeutic support for personal or mental health concerns with the objective of helping them to fulfil their academic potential. The service is confidential, offered without charge and available all year round. We can offer up to 6 sessions of counselling and those needing further therapy are supported in finding long term support through private, charitable and statutory agencies.
∂ Counselling Service Each week day during term time we provide a ‘drop-in’ service at 9.00am in Durham and 10.45am in QCS. The ‘drop in’ is primarily for emergencies and no appointment is necessary but students must arrive on time to ensure they are seen. Self help, top up support and crisis support information is found on our webpages. Students can find advice on such concerns as Depression, Disordered Eating, Overcoming Worry, Panic, Procrastination, and Social Anxiety.
∂ Contact Us Durham CampusQueen’s Campus Palatine Centre Stockton Road Durham DH1 3LE United Kingdom Telephone +44(0) Holliday Building, Queen's Campus University Boulevard Thornaby Stockton-on-Tees TS17 6BH United Kingdom Telephone +44(0)
∂ Student Immigration Office and Scholarships and Student Funding Office
∂ What We Do - Immigration Provide Tier 4 visa advice for students with questions about their leave to remain in the UK. Provide a new Certificate of Acceptance of Study (CAS) for students needing to extend their current visa. Work with departments to monitor student attendance in line with UKBA legislation. On behalf of the University we check the eligibility of staff and students to work in the UK.
∂ What We Do – Financial Support Provide information to students and applicants about available funding sources and scholarship opportunities. Help for students in hardship. Help for students wanting to take part in extra-curricular activities. Liaison with other University sections about funding opportunities. US Federal Aid. SLC Liaison.
∂ If you have an Immigration question/problem: You can discuss any questions you have about your leave to remain in the UK with one of the University’s three immigration advisors. We can help you when you need to apply for a new Tier 4 visa (checking forms, explaining the visa application process, etc.). You can make an appointment with an immigration advisor by: – –Telephone (46253) or (46069) –Call into the SIO Office in the Palatine Centre
∂ If you have a Financial Support question/problem: If you are a home student and if there is a major change in your financial situation during the current year of study then contact the Undergraduate Funding Team who will be able to offer advise on the next steps you should follow with Student Finance England (or equivalent). – –Telephone: (46063) –Call into the SSFO Office in the Palatine Centre
∂ What we Cannot do - Immigration We cannot provide any support in applying for a Tier 2 or Tier 5 work visa but we can give you information on where you can find helpful information. We cannot work with you on an appeal case, but we can give details of local solicitors who are able to do this.
∂ What we Cannot do – Financial Support We cannot liaise with overseas government bodies on your behalf. We cannot provide advice on most home country eligibility issues (except US federal aid). Give “Financial Advice” in terms of recommending financial products or debt control etc, you should contact the Students’ Union for trained Financial Advisors.
∂ Information Contact details for the Student Immigration Office – –Telephone (46069) –Call into the SIO Office in the Palatine Centre –Call into the Student Services Reception in the Holliday Building Contact details for the Scholarships and Student Funding Office – –Telephone (46063) –Call into the SSFO Office in the Palatine Centre –Call into the Student Services Reception in the Holliday Building