on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 1 Development of chemical production in Germany In 2013, the production level of the chemical industry went up by 1.5 percent. The global demand for chemical products rose only slightly, with falling prices. Consequently, sales developments were not entirely satisfactory. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Index 2010=100, half-yearly, seasonally adjusted, change against previous year in %
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 2 Development of producer prices for chemicals In 2013, chemicals prices dropped by 1 percent. Due to pressure from international competition, the companies largely passed on lower raw materials prices to their customers. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Index 2010=100, change against previous year in %
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 3 Foreign sales of the German chemical industry – by regions In 2013, foreign sales stagnated at 113 billion euros in total. Hardly any sales increase was achieved with the EU core member states. Business with NAFTA countries dropped slightly. Foreign sales to Latin America and Asia fell visibly. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Overall year 2013, change against previous year in percent
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 4 Key indicators for the chemical industry in Germany At present, the German chemical industry has ca. 436,500 staff. Irrespective of lasting uncertainty about business developments in global markets, chemical companies hired further personnel in Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Overall year 2013, change against previous year in percent
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 5 Gross domestic product, industrial and chemical production The VCI forecasts an increase in chemical production by 2 % in With slightly falling producer prices (- 0.5 %), chemical industry sales should rise by 1.5 % to 191 billion euros. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Change against previous year in percent
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 6 Germany‘s foreign trade balance with chemicals Germany‘s foreign trade surplus with chemical products has been growing continually, more than doubling from ca. 24 billion euros in the year 2000 to currently 54 billion euros. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI In billion euros
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 7 Developments in the demand for chemicals, exports and imports From 2000 to 2013, chemical exports have gone up by 116 percent to billion euros. By contrast, the domestic demand in Germany has risen by only 20 percent since Since 2000, chemical imports have increased by 111 percent – i.e. import growth is clearly stronger than growth in the domestic demand. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Change 2013 against 2000 – in percent
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 8 Annual pay per staff member Remunerations in the chemical industry are 66 % above the average for the overall economy. The chemical-pharmaceutical industry depends on highly qualified staff. The pay level is particularly high, as compared with other industries. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI Index overall economy 2011 = 100
on 12 December 2013 in Frankfurt/Main VCI‘s Annual Press Conference 9 Gross fixed asset investment and depreciation In 2013, domestic investments by chemical companies rose by 2 %, barely exceeding depreciation. This is due, inter alia, to the conditions in Germany: a low degree of planning security, long planning periods for major projects and the divide in energy costs lead to investment decisions for locations outside Germany. Sources: Federal Statistical Office, VCI In billion euros, German chemical industry incl.pharma