Grade Point Averages
GPAs are an ongoing measure of work habits. What are they?
Pic of graph What will it look like?
Pic of graph there are several options
Concerns with our reports.. New guidelines present an opportunity to bring about changes to reporting. Visits to other schools have shown ways we can do better. Why change?
Tangible. Timely. Helps them set goals. Clear. Fair /non biased. Student interest in GPAs? WHY?
Ongoing formal FEEDBACK = frequent opportunity for students to change behaviours. Why do GPAs work?
Understanding of the common GPA rubric by all teachers, students and families. GPAs must also be backed up by an understood structure of Rewards, Interventions and Consequences. What is needed for GPAs to work?
Working through a process of ‘Reporting Change’. Learning the mechanics of ‘how to’ work with GPAs Working toward end of semester reporting becoming a less onerous task by introducing more frequent feedback through GPAs. For 2014 end of year reports will have minimal change as outlined in the Semester 1 & 2 Comment Guidelines booklet. Where are we NOW ?
Course Documentation. Common assessment tasks.. Become familiar with new Curriculum and Planning guidelines. Incorporate GPAs and simplify 2015 Semester Reporting. What is the way forward for WSC?
Log in to Compass use TO number and your password for your laptop How to use the compass package 1 2 3
How to use the Compass package Fill down available
Use the Rubric
Use the explanation notes If you do not have Homework requirements in your subject, consider the following to measure Revision techniques (recall, transfer, application) Is there evidence that students have thought about or applied some of the class learning at home. How much do students require you to go over work ( have they processed the information) Can students recall what to do and transfer information from one lesson to the next. how much scaffolding do students need to ‘get’ or remember work /activities.