Academic & Research Support Services at the University of Limerick Library Aoife Geraghty Head of Information Services, Glucksman Library
The Library Building Term-time Opening Hours Mon-Fri 08.30-23.00 Sat 10.00-19.00 Sun 11.00-18.00 Note (Summer 2012) Postgraduate reading room with swipe access on 1st floor 700s moved to 1st wing on 2nd floor Reference moved to 1st floor landing
The Library Online
Logging on from off-campus Access journals, databases & ebooks from home
The catalogue today 6/9/12 …
The catalogue tomorrow 7/9/12!
Borrowing books … 20 items at any one time, for a period of 77 days.
Ordering Books and other material Faculty and staff can order books and non-book material, which will then be added to the library collections. Contact your Faculty Librarian for information on book-ordering procedures. It is essential that you send a copy of recommended reading to your Faculty Librarian to ensure that recommended materials are available for your students in good time. Departments are beginning work on departmental collection development policies. It would be worth getting involved in that process.
Requesting journals/databases Subscriptions are ongoing commitments, so requests take more time to process and decisions must be based on future budget planning Many of our journals and databases are paid for through the IReL (Irish Research eLibrary) consortium of the 7 Irish universities + RCSI Local subscriptions are paid for through the library budget or through departmental budgets Where a new course is planned, it is essential that funding for resources is included in the planning
Faculty Librarians & IR Librarian
Library & Information Resources Development Committee Chair: VP Academic & Registrar Faculty Reps: Michael English (S&E) David Atkinson (AHSS) Ross Anderson (E&HS) Orfhlaith Ni Bhriain (IWAMD) Michele ODwyer (KBS) The library also meets regularly with student representatives
Departmental Collection Development & Management Policies – priority for 2012/13 Profile of the Department incl. profile of the Faculty Scope Budget Selection of Resources Collections Library Support for Resource Use Stock Review …
Visiting other Libraries Inter Library Loans (see Library webpage) SCONUL Access - a co-operative scheme that enables researchers to visit and borrow materials from more than 125 libraries in Ireland and the UK – get a SCONUL Access card from the Library Information Desk. Letter of Introduction (Faculty Librarian)
Training & Workshops for undergrads, postgrads, researchers … Finding Research Information & keeping up-to-date Make effective use of the specific subject databases to locate journal articles, e-books and other sources on your topic Locate data for your Research Find specific types of information resources (e.g., theses, government information, patents, etc.) Update your information needs and awareness of the information cycle. Academic Reference Management Choose and Use bibliographic reference management software e.g. EndNote and Mendeley. Managing your research/using Endnote bibliographic software. Create an Endnote library of your research and produce a bibliography from this. Choose and edit different bibliographic styles. Getting Published & Maximising your Impact Strategies for getting published – where, how, when? How to present your research – at conferences, in journals, networking opportunities. How to Identify suitable journals for publication Open access options. Understand journal impact factors, citation counts and h-Index Use ISI to identify journal impact factors, citation counts and h-Index Ensure your research output is accurately captured. Disseminate your Research Use other non-ISI tools – ABS, Scimago, Google Scholar and Publish or Perish.
Online training & development We offer online modules on Doing a Literature Review Research Methods in the Arts & Humanities Research Methods in the Sciences Research Methods in the Social Sciences Getting Published in the Arts Getting Published in the Sciences Ethics 1 – Good Research Practice Ethics 2 – Working with Human Subjects Career Planning in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Career Planning in the Sciences Project Management in the Research Context Intellectual Property in the Research Context Managing your Research Supervisor or Principal Investigator Selecting a Conference, Presenting & Networking Available at:
Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum: a guide for faculty
Maximising impact UL’s Institutional Repository
Open Access to Irish Research
Google Scholar – connecting to the IR
For Library Support Contact Head of Information Services Tel: 061 202164 GL0-030 and/or your Faculty Librarian