Remedial Project Manager: John Burchette
My Background Professional Experience EPA 2007-Present Remedial Project Manager Ft. George G. Meade Navy Ships Parts Control Center, Mechanicsburg PA Environmental Consultant Report Writing Soil Borings Well Installation Education M.S. Geoenvironmental Studies-Shippensburg University Publication: The Wiconisco Canal Revisited B.S. Earth Science B.S. Evironmental and Geosciences
EPA’s Ft. Meade Project Team Remedial Project Manager-John Burchette Toxicologist-Jennifer Hubbard Hydrogeologist-Bruce Rundell and Ryan Bower BTAG-Katie Matta Attorney-Elizabeth Lukens Community involvement Coordinator-Bill Hudson
Federal Facility Agreements Negotiate and sign FFA’s Sets deadlines Establishes process Establishes timeframes Detailed Schedules in the SMP Spells out the dispute and resolution process
EPA’s Role in the Ft. Meade Cleanup Process Scope/Investigate Sites Scoping meetings Review Draft Reports Provide guidance on EPA regulations Sign Records of Decision Oversee cleanup Consider beneficial reuse 5-Year Reviews Special Issues MMRP etc… Site Construction Completion Eventual deletion from NPL
EPA’s Role at Ft. Meade (cont.) Emerging Contaminant PFOA-PFOS Other issues Change in toxicity factors Vapor Intrusion Community Involvement