AT-RISK AFTERSCHOOL MEALS IN THE CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM This institution is an equal opportunity provider
CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM/AT RISK AFTERSCHOOL MEAL PROGRAM What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program? 1.Child Care Centers/Preschools/Head Start programs/emergency shelters 2.Family Child Care Home Program 3.Adult Day Care Centers 4.At Risk Afterschool Meal Program What is the At Risk Afterschool Meal Program
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE PROGRAM? Gives children a place to go after school. Structured activities 1.Life Skills 2.Computer Labs 3.Foreign Language 4.Homework Labs Meals
MEALS At Risk Afterschool Meal sponsors can offer one snack and one meal. Sponsors must ensure snacks and meals meet all of the required components. Snacks must have two of the following four components: Meat/Meat Alternate Grain Fruit and /or Vegetable Milk Suppers will contain all of the components listed above. For suppers, you must serve two separate servings of vegetables and /or fruit. All meals will be reimbursed at the Free rate.
PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY Who is eligible to participate in the At Risk Afterschool Meal Program? Any child 18 years of age or younger can participate in the at risk afterschool program. What if a child turns 19 during the school year? The child must be 18 years of age at the start of the school year to participate.
SCHOOL PARTICIPATION Schools that will operate the at risk afterschool meal program may also be participating on the National School Lunch Program. These are two separate programs which means: 1.Two separate application processes 2.Two separate claims submittals 3.Two separate specialists (NSLP and CACFP)
ELIGIBILITY Be located in an eligible area Be organized to provide care for children after school or on weekends, holidays and school breaks. Provide educational and enrichment activities
AREA ELIGIBILITY At risk afterschool care center must be located in an eligible area. What does this mean? Facilities must be located in the attendance area of an elementary, middle, or high school in which at least 50 percent of the enrolled children are certified eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Where can you find out if you are in an eligible area? Area eligibility determinations are valid for five years.
LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Licensed schools and afterschool care centers must provide a copy of your Department of Health Services child care license.
LICENSING REQUIREMENTS (CON’T) Does an afterschool program have to be licensed? No. An afterschool program does not need to be licensed in order to participate. All non-licensed facilities must have the following: 1.CACFP Child Care Standards 2.Fire inspection 3.Health inspection
HOW TO APPLY FOR THE AT RISK AFTERSCHOOL MEAL PROGRAM Attend training – Where can you register for training? 6http:// 6 and look for “At Risk Afterschool Meals FY 2013 Training” Application Materials – Once you have completed training, your application material will be ed to you.
SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM The summer food service program (SFSP) provides nutritious meals to children in low- income area. The program is operated during the summer when school is not in session. All meals must meet the federal guidelines as far as components and portions.
REQUIREMENTS As a sponsor SFSP sponsor, you are required to: 1.Be financially viable 2.Be administratively capable 3.Cannot be seriously deficient 4.Operate a nonprofit food service operation 5.Provide year-round service 6.Provide training 7.Provide monitoring services
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information on the summer food service program, please go to:
CACFP POINT OF CONTACT Kenny Barnes CACFP/SFSP Lead Specialist: CACFP Specialist of the Day