The Identification of Gifted Students Q. Cindy, Andy, and Mia, were all over at Keith's house when a package was delivered. Each child guessed what was in the box, but only one of them was right. Using their guesses as clues, can you work out what was in the box? Cindy said, "It's a laptop computer." Andy said, "I'll bet it's a pizza." Mia said, "I think a picture or a laptop computer is in the box." "It's a picture, for sure," said Keith.
A. How long did it take you to work out that a pizza was in the box! Right away, you can tell that Mia can't be right, because if she is, then Keith would also be right (they both said picture), and no more than one child can be right. And since Mia is wrong, then Cindy is wrong, too, because they both said laptop computer. That means that Andy is correct it's a pizza.
Renzullis Three Ring Model Above Average Ability Task Commitment Creativity
Giftedness Exceptional in relation to peers; Performance versus potential; Multi-categorical approach; Multicultural; Evident in all groups; Requires differentiated support.
Cognitive characteristics General knowledge; Mature interests; Comprehension; Connections; Abstractions; Pace/depth; Intensity; Speech; Creative.
Affective characteristics Humour; Sensitivity; Idealism; Empathy; Inner locus of control; Friends older/adult; Passion; Energy; Perfectionism.
Mixed Blessing Focus is generally on positive characteristics; Giftedness may have negative characteristics – particularly if the gifted child is not catered for appropriately.
Bright Student knows the answer is interested is attentive has good ideas works hard answers the questions top of the group listens with interest learns with ease 6-8 repetitions for mastery understands ideas enjoys peers grasps the meaning completes assignments is receptive copies accurately enjoys school absorbs information Technician good memorizer is pleased with own learning is alert enjoys straight-forward tasks Gifted Student asks the questions is highly curious is mentally and physically involved has wild, silly ideas plays around, yet tests well discusses in detail/elaborates beyond the group shows strong feelings and opinions already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery constructs abstractions prefers adults draws inferences initiates projects is intense creates a new design enjoys learning manipulates information Inventor good guesser is highly self-critical is keenly observant thrives on complexity
Useful Web Sites
Models of Identification PIP – Provide, Identify, Provide; DIP – Define, Identify, Provide. An important choice…..
Identification Process Rigorous; Transparent; Fair; Does not discriminate against particular groups.
How to identify – giftedness Standardised tests; Teacher assessment; Parent nomination; Self assessment; Peer nomination; Problem solving/open ended task.
Standardised tests What are they testing? Watch for ceiling effect; Try tests for older students.
Advantages Tests give a precise outcome, within known limits; Testing is carried- out by a qualified educational professionals; The results can be very useful in giving parents and teachers a view of ways forward.Disadvantages Simple, off-the-shelf commercial tests can be extremely misleading. It can be an expensive process; The test selected must match with the problem presented, and the results need professional interpretation and explanation to parents and teachers; Testing can be a stressful process, particularly for younger children; Testing is time-consuming for all involved.
Teacher nomination Be clear what you are looking for; Set up situations where students can use their giftedness; Remember: Choice; Challenge; Creativity; Time.
End results Allow wide range of presentation options: Class lesson; Interview; Model; Flow diagram; Power point; Process rather than product; Encourage oral presentations of task.
Parent nomination Information sheet requesting: Milestones; Past experiences at school – academic and social/emotional; Particular interests/passions; Clubs/groups; Hobbies; Concerns. Parent information sheet on giftedness; Open door policy.
Peer nomination Success dependent on nature of classroom programme; Careful wording of question - Who would you choose…? Who is best…?
Self nomination Gifted students can be very self critical; Interest inventories; Ongoing conversation – oral or written; Opportunities for participation in extension groups.
Awareness of possible issues Gifted not a homogenous group; Cultural differences; Personal differences; Boys versus girls; Underachievement; Learning problems masking giftedness.
Practical strategies for gifted and talented pupils in the secondary classroom
What support should G&T students be given? Enrichment (breadth); Extension (depth); Acceleration (pace); Independence; Reflection.
Examples of enrichment opportunities… Eg in Physical Education, Enrichment to broaden experience.. Abseiling Canoeing Golf Orienteering Sailing Ski-ing English enrichment to broaden experience – Public speaking – Debating – Drama (improvisation) – Creative writing Poetry Prose Journalism – Media criticism – News analysis Music enrichment to improve performance Instrumental tuition Choir practice Orchestra
What does good teaching of gifted and talented pupils involve? Features of effective teaching subject knowledge; planning; unusual projects and approaches; developing independence; the use of demanding resources; the use of ICT; high-level teaching skills; confidence. From Providing for gifted and talented pupils: an evaluation of Excellence in Cities and other grant-funded programmes (Ofsted, December 2001)
From the DfES/QCA website, the inclusive teaching methods that are appropriate for able pupils include: –More challenging questions; –Written questions; –Grouping with other able pupils; –In mixed-ability groups, gifted pupils might be set in-depth research or higher-level analysis, which feeds back into the group effort; –Extension tasks; –Open-ended tasks; –Scaffolding; –Enquiries.
Do not…! Give more of the same; Expect them to work by themselves the whole time; When using ICT with gifted and talented students, make sure its focused, relevant and fits in with objectives; Dont use gifted and talented students as mentors for the less able all of the time. Make sure they have access to their own mentors where possible; Differentiation is NOT.. Just giving one student more work to do than another i.e. the nature of work needs to be different, not just the quantity; Extension activity for more able pupils will not be challenging if it is: more practice at the same work, eg Go on to the next page; additional work that is not reviewed or rewarded eg Do some more; unfocused, open-ended activity eg See what you can find out...
What methods can we use to provide for the more able? Gardners Multiple Intelligences and Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy; Questioning Skills; Differentiation; Increasing the level of challenge; Accrediting prior learning; Strategies such as compacting and most difficult first; Thinking Skills.