Writing Assessment Plan Athletic Training
Athletic Training Learning Outcomes Professional Interaction To interact and communicate effectively and appropriately in oral, written, & electronic forms with people in a variety of professional contexts. Professional Competence To demonstrate entry-level athletic training knowledge, skills & abilities consistent with the 2011 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Education Competencies & the scope of practice as outlined by the Board of Certification Role Delineation Study/Practice Analysis.
National Accreditation Standards Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) requires teaching of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Education Competencies. Multiple competencies are related to writing including several related to research and evidence-based practice.
Courses Associated with Writing Course Number/Course TitleWhen TakenProject/Paper ERS 107 Introduction to ATFR – IIntro to Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project ERS 307 General MedicineSO – IIPaper – EBP ERS 317 Therapeutic ModalitiesJR – IPaper – EBP; 2 article critiques ERS 347 Therapeutic ExerciseJR – IPaper – EBP – comparison ERS 387 Practicum in AT – I-IVSO – II, Jr – I, JR – II, SR – I Portfolio – self-assessment reflections ERS 407 Healthcare Admin in AT JR – IIPaper – Ethics ERS 427 Mastery in ATSR – IResearch project- Critique of Literature
Assessment & Collection Methods Writing rubric template applied to all AT major courses Learning over time Data from rubric is collected for the courses Compiled data is recorded in a centrally located database Data collected from each course once a year Data is analyzed by program assessment committee
Athletic Training Writing Rubric Rubric is used with all Athletic Training writing assignments. Another rubric related specifically to the assessment (case study; self-assessment; PICO question; etc.) is also used for each course. Document Document
Criteria for Success Weighted averages for each course is calculated 3 = excellent performance 2 = good performance 1 = adequate performance 0 = poor performance Average of all of 2 or higher indicates success
Formal assessment Formal assessment utilizing senior exit interviews, senior exit questionnaires, alumni surveys, employer surveys & class evaluations will further assist assessment of writing competence. Data from formal assessment procedures will analyzed once every two years by the program assessment committee.
Sample Writing Assessments ERS 107 Introduction to Athletic Training Course outcomes pertaining to writing competency 8. Recognize the Mechanisms and Characteristics of Trauma common to physical activity. 9. Identify the progression of Tissue Response to Injury common to physical activity. Base group project : Answerable Question: For patients in the acute inflammatory phase following injury, is an ice bag or a hot pack the more beneficial treatment in controlling their signs & symptoms?