1 Supporting the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level The “ERA-NET” Scheme “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
2 Research activities Programmes, parts of programmes or other similar initiatives Strategically planned at national or regional level in the Member States or Associated States
3 Objective To step up the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level in the Member States and Associated States through: The networking of research activities conducted at national or regional level The mutual opening of national and regional research programmes “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
4 Fields of research Research Activities may be carried out in all fields of science and technology The implementation will be done using a bottom-up approach, without giving preference to one research topic over another * Examples given in the EP and Council’s Decision concerning FP6: health, biotechnology, environment, energy “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
5 Participants bodies which finance or manage national or regional research activities At least 3 MS or AS are involved of which at least two are MS or candidate AS. a sole participant (EEIG or any similar structures) The main actors are programme managers and programme makers
6 Networking of research activities at national and regional level, including the mutual opening of national or regional research programmes Unified management framework of an ERA-NET Activities to be supported “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
7 Networking of research activities Systematic exchange of information Strategic activities Implementation of joint strategic activities Implementation of a transnational joint programme “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
8 Networking of research activities 1. Systematic exchange of information fora of research programme makers and managers short-term exchanges of programme managers benchmarking and dissemination of good practices “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
9 Networking of research activities 2. Strategic activities Identification and analysis of: mutual complementaries of the ERA-NET partners research fields that could lead to the design of future multinational programmes design of common evaluation system networking activities and mutual opening mechanisms administrative and legal barriers new opportunities and gaps in research and stimulation of new interdisciplinary work “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
10 Networking of research activities 3. Implementation of joint strategic activities. a posteriori clustering of nationally funded research projects systematic use of multinational proposals evaluation procedures joint training activities mutual opening of facilities or laboratories “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
11 Networking of research activities 4. Implementation of a transnational joint programme without transnational flows of national funding with transnational flows of national funding Projects should involve at least 2 teams from 2 different countries “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
12 Management of an ERA-NET management of the scientific and administrative activities including reporting to the Commission development of strategic activities launching, implementing and following up joint research activities ensuring scientific excellence throughout the ERA-NET ensuring the promotion of gender equality “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
13 Instruments Coordination Actions to implement an ERA-NET: an average : 3 M€ max. ; 5 years max. Specific Support Actions to prepare ERA-NET proposals in a limited scope an average : € ; 1 year max Costs are limited to additional activities up to 100% excluding the costs directly linked to research “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
14 Indicative Budget and timetable 140 M€ for the period Open call for proposals 1st cut-off date:2 June 2003, 20M€ from March 2004, cut-off dates every 6 months up to October 2005 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6
15 Evaluation Principle:a single stage procedure based on “peer review” Criteria : Relevance to the objectives of the programme Quality of the coordination Potential impact Quality of the consortium Quality of the management Mobilisation of resources “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6 “ERA-NET” Scheme FP6